The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
Audrey takes Lily's hand. "I was just at therapy a few minutes ago, myself. I know it's not easy. And if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you."
"I'm not sure. I don't really... know you well enough, to be sure. But we're dating pretty seriously. And we're sexually compatible. So..."
So, my dad was kind of an asshole. Controlling, violent. Strict and demanding. Always wanted my time. So I built a fortress of my studies and I didn't come out. Learned to be controlling like him just to survive. And... I'm terrified of being like him, and at the same time I love it and it gets me off. So, like... I've got issues."
"Tell me about it.
Anyway, I've been given an assignment to explore more options. To let down my guard a little. And they assigned me an escort for it but - I needed somebody I could trust. So I called you. And then I waffled like the - positive self-talk." She takes a breath. "Like the troubled young woman I am."
"... I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that," says Audrey. "It's above my pay grade. What if it goes wrong? I don't want to - let my inexperience get in the way of your growth."
"That's one of the things I have trouble with, actually. It's been fine with you so far, but - usually I'm a lot more touch-averse."