The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
"I want... to make a pillow fort with someone and then have sex in it. To color with someone. To drink aphrodia juiceboxes during aftercare and turn it into middlecare. For someone to brush my hair again. To cuddle someone as the little spoon. To... be in a smaller body..."
She stumbles.
"It's not unusual for people to put on roleplay bodies here in the Bowers, don't think that you're weird for that."
"I think that makes a very natural one hundred on our exposure scale. Of what you've listed so far, what's easiest?"
"Then coloring, then sex in a pillow fort, then... probably something with namecalling... then trying a roleplay body at the extreme high end."
"Okay. I'm going to give you an assignment, and that is to go to your assigned therapeutic escort - I believe Tasha's working with me this week - and ask them to color with you. Can you do that? Does it seem like too much of a stretch?"
"Well, the Bowers organizes things like that for us sometimes. Is there anything else you'd like me to cover?"
"Well thank you for calling. Please try to finish your assignment and get back to me promptly, okay?"