The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
I have selective access to your time tracker, so I know you're fucking Rose. Rose came together with Scythe on a couple's discount package. Scythe has a stage booked already. Rose has shared a stage with Scythe in the past but isn't going to tonight. Therefore...
The automated system flags things to my attention. I can technically just read it all if I want to, but again, I have more important things to be doing.
It depends on the priestess. Or priest, I don't discriminate. They're welcome to whatever degree of support from me they wish - well, short of expecting me to come by in person all the time.
But most of them are effectively long-distance relationships? Because you can't spare bodies?
No, not actually. My priestesses are very dear to me. I maintain 1,750 bodies in the Bowers primarily for the purpose of having regular in-person sex with all my priestesses who want personal relationships with me.
No, I don't get bored. My attention works very differently from yours, and I love to use it on the people who love me. It's deeply affirming to me to always be deeply involved in making so many people happy and satisfied.
Illusion magic, primarily. Sometimes a hidden holoprojector. It's not good enough for physical things, but it's enough to give a sense of my presence.
Well, there is a certain amount of that, yes. Alas, I have around five hundred thousand partners of various seriousness, even with almost two thousand bodies I'm spread thin.
One thousand seven hundred and fifty bodies for five hundred thousand people - That's around one body for every two hundred and fifty priestesses?
Fortunately they don't all try to have sex with me simultaneously! Though that would be fun to organize, actually, it'd be a hell of a play party...