The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
"I have no idea. Maybe order a program? Or just go walking, the Bowers will know how to direct you."
A booklet the size of both of Audrey's hands together appears on the bar.
Rose Bowers Program of Events is written on the front in gold decorative font, with the Bowers' rose logo behind it. The rest of the cover is taken up by a picture of the Bower Gardens from a high terrace, hedge maze stretching off into the distance.
The inside cover just has a few ornamental roses on it.
The inside front page is titled "A Letter From Sunaira."
She doubletakes -
Oh, wait, they know it's her who ordered this, of course they can address it to her. It's just a form fill.
She reads on.
Dear Audrey Ingram,
Congratulations on your growing experience and confidence from your time in the Bowers. Within these pages you will find the knowledge you seek. These things are always best experienced firsthand, aren't they?
I recommend the Borderlands and Hotel Backstage walking tours, the production of Threefold at 5:00 PM, and remembering to rebook your next therapy appointment with Tasha. Do with my recommendations what you wish; I've provided you with the whole program for a reason.
Whatever you do, know that I'm proud of your progress and happy for any measure of satisfaction I've given you. It's an honor to know you, even briefly.
- Sunaira
"Oh yeah, there's always one on the inside front cover. Took me by surprise the first time I read mine too. Don't worry too much about it, she always says the same general things - it's practically a form letter, just personalized a little bit using your data. Want to see mine?"
She clears her throat and opens it to the front page.
"Dear Hannah Ashford,
You should know by now that I 'path all of these myself. You never were a very curious one, though, now were you? Still, that's neither here nor there. I recommend for you to hie thee to the nearest Gate of Night - but then, you never listened to my advice either. I'm still pleased to take your dimension-mangling money and give you free reign of my Bowers; if that's what makes you happiest then I'm not going to stop you. You may be interested to know that Scythe is performing again tonight; if you want a less serious suggestion, I suggest you take Rose to the front row of that and tease her silly about her girlfriend performing without her.
I'm glad to bring joy to your life, and remain as always,
Your Humble And Obedient Servant,
"Does it actually say that or did you improvise that - No, you couldn't have - show me."
Audrey manages to hand over the brochure without dropping it on the floor.
Indeed, Sunaira's message is just as she read.
"I would say you had that coming, yeah. I wasn't really expecting Sunaira to have a sense of humor like that, though."