The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
You have had 20 unique encounters since entering the Rose Bowers, totalling eleven and a half hours of partnered sexual activity.
"Let's say it's twice a week. So twenty encounters, even for someone with a dedicated partner, would usually take...?"
Audrey takes another sip of her cider while she does the calculation in her head.
"Two and a half months."
"Uh... you, Lily, Kelp, Aurica... The escorts... a couple others... Why am I saying this I should just check my phone."
She looks.
You have spent time on sexual activity with the following seven people:
Aurica, Hannah, Kumi, Lily, Ishaza, Kelp, Anna
"Huh. Only seven, and two of those are escorts. I guess I'm less of a slut than I thought."
"I'm really not sure if I want to take any of them. Honestly, right now I feel like I'm just trying to pass the time before my date with Lily this afternoon."
"I'm not sure! I haven't really - explored the Bowers much. Maybe I should have a look around? Surely there'll be events and things, right?"
"Hmmmmm. I feel like... I'd like to learn more about the Bowers itself, a bit. Is there like a museum or something?"