The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
Gianno shrugs. "I won't deny that I think you're attractive, but attractive people are a dime a dozen in the Bowers. I'd much rather get to know your personality and see if we click."
"If we click, then perhaps I'll introduce you to some of my friends in the writer's circle."
"I think the philosophical point is an important one. If you've talked to any of the Bower escorts, you know that they want sex to be something simple and joyful, like food. The whole idea of the Bowers is to take away the shame and worry from sexuality."
"Yeah, Ishaza said that Sunaira thinks we're all metaphorically starving for more pleasure and enjoyment in our lives, especially for sexuality. "A critical breakfast shortage," she called it."
"I've been trying to get a booking with her for weeks! We talk sometimes at the Vine Court - she's always struck me as articulate and dignified. Ah, do you know the game played at the Vine Court?"
"It is. The game is to soberly and reasonably discuss love, sexuality and kink while drinking straight Aphrodia. If you're too out of it to carry on discussion, the other members of the discussion group are free to use you as a party favour. It's a game I enjoy losing."
"It's strange, I somehow never really put it together that if there are subs, dommes and switches among women the same must be true for men too. Like, obviously they must exist, but it's different to be sitting across from one."
Hannah comes up to the table and plops down a coke with a straw in front of Gianno and another bottle of spiked craft root beer in front of Audrey.
"You two getting along alright?", she asks.