The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
Gianno steps around Hannah and walks out onto the table-strewn dance floor. He pulls out a chair and beckons to Audrey.
... Well that's nice of him. She walks over and plops herself down in the proffered chair.
"I'm an architect for OTC. I design buildings and so on. Move around a lot to wherever an expansion is being built."
As Hannah steps away, Gianno looks back at Audrey.
"Your first time at the Bowers?", he asks.
"Yeah, she has a thing about firsts. Though I have to say, the company's already a lot better than I expected."
"I mean, you'll meet people like Luar who are mostly interested in making a pass at you, but most of them are reasonably polite and will take no for an answer. The ones who don't, well, that's what the wards are for."
"I got a standard one from the catalog a while back but it turns out I never really needed to use it."
"Yeah, along with the Goddess' Grace it's more of a peace of mind thing than a real security measure. The wards are already good enough."