The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
"How about smash? Or DDR? There's a whole arcade section down by the dance floor."
Hannah picks up one of Audrey's root beers and gets up from her seat. "The dance floor and the arcade are down a level from here, just follow me."
Hannah leads the way past the bar and over to a spiral staircase down onto a dancefloor and stage. There are tables set up on the dancefloor with people chatting and hanging around, and the stage is empty for the moment.
"There's music and strip acts in the evenings, but in the morning it's just extra space for the bar. The arcade's off to the side here by the stairs..."
There's two dozen or so arcade machines with attached controllers, pistols and steering wheels and dance pads. A whole bank is just various consoles on start menus. Hannah picks out a console that's not being used and boots Smash on it.
"Strip acts, huh." The familiar controller fits perfectly in her hands, a memory of a simpler time. She flicks through the menus and selects Robin as her character.
"Mhm. It's the Rose Bowers, they get all the best talent. Most of it goes to the Stages in the Blackberry Gardens, but some of the softer acts get slots in Farseek."
Mia comes through the arcade trailing a couple of guys. "Hey, found us a fourth and fifth."
The other's eyes are hidden behind a small round pair of glasses. He's wearing a long dress shirt and a pair of slacks.
"I never really... missed it much..."
Audrey's gaze flicks back over to Smash. "Do you guys want to play or not?"
"Save the teasing for later, Luar. Right now your job is to help this lovely young lady relax a bit."