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Audrey's third day in the Rose Bowers
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"Alright, let's go. I'll lead." 

And she turns and steps down the hall, pulling gently at Audrey's hand.


Audrey trails after her, keeping her gaze fixed on the back of Hannah's head.


After a few turns through the hallways, they come to a wide open arch with rose-vines clinging to it, and beyond there's a space full of tables and chairs, with at least twenty or so people scattered around the room at the bar and around the various booths. There are big televisions set up in the corners; a couple are showing sports, while another one is being used to play Super Smash Bros by a group of four girls with neon-dyed hair. Between the hubbub of people chatting and eating, the sports and Smash playing from their respective corners, and the background rock music, it's a little hard for Audrey to catch what Hannah says. 


"Oh hey," 

Whatever the rest of her sentence was, it's lost.


Audrey follows Hannah's pulling hand over to the bar. When Hannah takes a seat next to a horned woman in a t-shirt and jeans, she takes the empty chair on her other side, and rests her face in one hand, trying not to look over at the barkeep.


Hannah says something to the horned woman, and she drops down from her stool and walks up to Audrey.


"Hey." Now that she's up in Audrey's face, Audrey can see that she's apparently sucking on a blue slurpee. "I'm Mia. You know Hannah?"


"Uh, yeah." Audrey crosses her arms between her and Mia. "She dragged me out here, something about seeing Club Farseek for the first time."


"Hannah has a thing about firsts, you might've noticed. How's the place so far?"


"Loud. Crowded. She says I can leave after fifteen minutes."


"Is it as bad as you expected?"


"Well, nobody's groped me yet, but..."


Hannah laughs. "Nobody's going to grope you here unless you want to be groped, darling. The Rose Bowers are good with consent. But I get it, honestly I do. I wasn't always the social butterfly you know now."


"Oh really?"


"What, you think I started out on my first day wearing almost nothing and knowing everybody? I had a learning curve same as you. I liked bars already, but that's just luck." 


"Or talent, maybe."


"So what do you want me to do, just talk with Mia or something...?"


"I'll buy you a drink."


"She doesn't drink. And all the drinks are free, anyway."


"She can get a slurpee. You know what I meant."


"... Do I need to talk to the barkeep, or is there a console somewhere -" 


"Just say what you want aloud."


"Two bottles of craft root beer and a bottle opener, please."


Two bottles of her favorite root beer and a church key bottle opener appear on the bar next to her.


"So this is your first time at Farseek, huh?"

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