The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
"Hi," says Pigeon. Her voice is so quiet it's a little hard to hear her, even in the half-empty café. "Audrey - sorry, I mean Aurica - has told me about meeting you, and about... how you were her first... and how you inspired her to start looking for people she had shared interests with." She squeezes Aurica's hand under the table and smiles that little half smile again. "And it's been a real blessing, having her, so... I wanted to thank you."
Pigeon gathers Aurica a little closer to her with her wing. "Well, if Aurica is any example, you must be wonderful too."
...well, she's not going to do anything stupid and ruin Pigeon's first impression of her.
"You said you met over a shared interest?"
Tabs pauses for a moment, and takes in Pigeon's dress. Purple, simple, cozy, kind of shapeless...
Aurica reaches for the console in the center of the table, and a semitransparent screen flickers into place across the open side of the booth.
She looks at Pigeon.
Pigeon squeezes Aurica's hand again. "It's okay, you can trust the privacy screen."