The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
"I got overinvested in your problems because I see my own flaws in you. I totally shouldn't've presumed to keep pushing like that, even if you did ask for my advice. We're different people, even if we are alts, and my storming off like that was - a bad look."
"Okay, it more than looked bad, it was bad. I was petulant and childish. Can you forgive me, as someone who shares our... particular kinks?"
"Being a little isn't a liscence to be immature, but I appreciate you reaching out. It's rare to get to know someone so like yourself - I feel a little like you're my sister in some ways, you know? So if you're willing to try again, I can look past what happened. Just don't do it again."
"What, like I would want to be a jerk? Give me a little credit. I was about to ask if you'd like to... meet up in person again."
"It doesn't, there's just someone I'd like you to meet. My, um... I guess she's my girlfriend?"
"Thank you! There's a lot I want to talk about with you, actually, it's been a busy couple days since you - unstuck me."
Tabs considers for a moment what to wear. Probably... her casual clothes, though they seem a little overformal now somehow. Heh.
Club Coze is quiet, as always. There's a handful of people here and there, eating breakfast and lounging about.
... Cocoa, who's gesturing broadly with an bit of fried egg on the end of his fork. Whoops, there it goes onto the - nope, saved by the Bowers. He scoops it back up off his plate and into his mouth.
Sitting next to her is a lavender-gowned girl with very fluffy wings. One of them is wrapped snugly around Aurica's back. She raises a hand and waves minutely to Tabs with a little half smile.