The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
"Darling, this was completely avoidable. You knew your appointment was coming up and yet you didn't even set a one hour buffer alarm. I'm not impressed. Get back here already, okay? I want to snuggle you."
"Darling I am livid, I just don't see how it'll help at all to go off on you. Come snuggle, we'll work things out."
"That's because it is, darling. You are being threatened. With snuggles. The horror."
Kumi is sitting at the edge of the orgy pit in a kimono. Hannah's sitting across from her. They appear to be sharing tea from a low table. There's a vial of silvery Aphrodia Essence on the table with the tea, half-full.
Hannah looks up. "Ah, Audrey! Come here and lie down on our laps. Kumi has dibs on your head end. Careful of the tea, mind you."
Kumi settles her hands in Audrey's hair and starts stroking.
"So. What have we learned?"
"Some things are better taught by gentleness. Notice how I am not raising my voice."
"Glad to hear it." Kumi digs her claws into Audrey's hair and drags them across her scalp, not quite hard enough to scratch.