The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
"Obviously it's a bit of a tall ask to start things off with a threesome, but we're kind of a package deal."
"Well, um. It's a bit complicated by the fact that I've never done a threesome before, much less with strangers. So why don't you let me eat my waffles and I'll get a verdict to you at the end of them."
She takes her five minutes and really thinks hard about it while she eats her waffle.
When the last of her berries is gone, she puts down her knife and fork and gathers herself.
"... no," she says. "Because, and sorry if this is blunt, I'm not attracted to you, Sunshine. Lazrian is my type but I'm afraid I'd spend all my time on them; I don't want to treat you as just an acessory to getting to have sex with them."
Audrey steps out and goes back to her rooms.
Well, that was interesting. She can't believe she turned down her first threesome. When is another opportunity like that going to happen?
... well, she could always make it happen...
She goes and sits on a beanbag she conjures and sips at some juice.
What if it forces something on her? What if she doesn't like it? What if it puts her in an awkward position in front of Rose, or Lily? What if...?
... It wouldn't force something on her. She can always say no. She'd like it, just like she's liked everything the Bowers has given her so far. It wouldn't embarrass her, just like it hasn't had her happen on someone else while nude here in the hotel.
... but it might give her her little kink.
... she needs therapy. She can't even admit to what she wants, much less accept it being given to her. That's... not healthy.
It's not what Sunaira would want for her, says a voice in the back of her head.