The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
She pulls out and goes to pick up her phone, which is apparently on the edge of the orgy pit for some reason. It's a little weird that it's here, but... She supposes the Bowers teleports all other sorts of things...
"Hey, it's Tasha. I'm just calling to inform you that your therapy appointment is in fifteen minutes; would you like to meet me at my office or in your own room?"
Audrey beams. "Thank you! And now for the cleanup..."
The Bowers provides a cleaning wand and an aftercare potion for her; she takes a slug and casually flicks away her mess, and then she's out the door and on her way back to her own room.
She spends her remaining ten minutes before Tasha arrives having a calming shower, and she's just towelling off when there's a knock at the door.
She answers the door topless with a towel around her waist and her hair still dripping. "Hello?"
"Hello! You seem to have gotten much more casual since I last saw you. Nice work! What's on our agenda today, and may I come in?"
Audrey flushes a little as she steps back and opens the door. "Yeah, it's nice. And... our assignment for right now is for us to color together."
"Don't worry, I've seen plenty stranger things. And I like playing with littles from time to time. They can be... charming, if not exactly innocent."
Audrey spreads out her art supplies on a large desk she's picked out for the occasion. "I have a couple artbooks, stuff that's from my personal collection, not so much from the Bower collection..."
Tasha steps in and sits down at the desk. She reaches for one of the books and flips through it.
"You like fantasy, huh? And less risque ones."
Audrey picks up her box of pencil crayons and opens it, exposing the worn-down tips of her current set. She lays it out flat between the two of them. Her hands tremble a little.
She takes a deep breath. "Okay, so. Firstly, you want to select a color palette that complements your subject. I like working with warm colors, so I'm going to do this witch in pink and gold and brown..."
"Actually brown and even gold can be seen as neutral, along with silver and grey. They don't interact with the other colors much." Her hands settle down onto the page and start coloring.