The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
... But then, it's the Bowers. She can be a little ridiculous.
She unspools a little of the elastic, and carefully starts threading pink beads onto it. What is this, pink topaz? Pink sapphire? It has a deep rose color that accents her hair nicely.
She intersperses it with black onyx, two beads pink one bead black, on like that around the whole length of the bracelet. It's 24 beads around her wrist, right? Well, worry about that when she's done enough groups to reach the end.
Time passes as the beads click together. Ten. Fifteen. Twenty. The process is very fiddly and requires almost all her concentration.
... but eventually, twenty-four beads are strung onto the piece of black elastic.
She tests it against her wrist for fit, carefully holding together the disparate ends. Yeah, twenty-four is still right.
She snips off the spool end of the elastic, and ties a reef knot between the two ends of the strung bracelet. Then she sets it down on the pad of paper.
Now the worst part, dealing with the superglue. The little disposable tubes you screw down the top on to pierce are worse than jar lids, she swears.
"Thank you!"
And she presses the applicator tip to the knot, and carefully superglues it closed.
Then she carefully closes the kit, packs away all the pieces -
What to do about the little disposable tube. Hm.
She pushes it away slightly.
No superglue on the table? That's what the pad is for but she checks just in case. She's never superglued a bracelet to a table yet but there's always a first time.
Yeah, nothing.
The superglue should be mostly dry now. Just to be sure she waits a minute or so.
Then she slips on her new bracelet with a smile.
It's a shame she'll have to give it back at the end of her stay... Ah well. For now, it's beautiful and hers and so good.
She kind of wants to show it off to someone...
Who to show it off to... There's Rose, maybe. Hannah is out. Lily is presumably busy. Kelp?
Hmmmmmm. It might be fun to meet Kelp again...
"Um, hi Kelp! It's Audrey, remember me? From, um, that time you fucked me underwater the trans and intersex cuddlepile?"
"Um." She flushes. "Yeah, maybe. But I thought.. Maybe we could chat a little? Learn a little more about each other? And sex would be nice too but I'm getting a little tight on time, I have a date at four."
"Twelve thirty, and I want to prepare for the date staring at three so we have two and a half hours."