The foyer of the Rosethorn Hotel is deserted. A crisp white letter addressed to "Mm. Iron" sits on the front desk. There are no other signs of life.
She nods slowly.
"I suppose the comment that I would start with would be that you are beautiful and hot and caring and kind, and I appreciate the dedication you show in your work."
She smiles slightly.
"You're welcome."
"But the main body of comment was... I feel like the way you talked about pleasure felt a little pretextual? That yes, you enjoy the way I touch you and so on, but that's not really the point, and that it wasn't about that, and more just the experience of something like 'being maximally available'. I don't feel super reacted to towards the end, beyond the more indecisive moments where you helped me out of that issue. And I can't say that I felt especially comfortable being giggled at in that sort of context."
"Sorry, I was just... happy that you were doing well and expressing yourself. You're right, I need to control my giggles more. And yes, I was focussing on signalling that you could do anything with me you wanted because I thought that was what you needed. We could do tantric practice instead next time, if you wanted to focus on emotional connection and specific sensations?"
"You did perfectly well, I'm just... a touch disappointed, I suppose."
She sighs and nuzzles against her chest.
"I think you probably could have spent more time feeling out my willingness to have sex and comfort with that sort of thing before straight up propositioning me, and I confess that I'm modestly confused that I read to you as averse when I jumped on the first opportunity to do so, without much further preamble. Mostly, I was looking for a chance for something... 'shared', or similar? I want fufilling my desires to be something that is productive rather then just... a stepping stone for a chance to do more until the process is complete? I'm not the expert on sex or relationships here, but I hope this at least an adequate start for a chance to thing it back over."
"Alright. I'll try to be more on my game, and I apologize; normally I'm sharper than this."
She nods slowly, and reaches out and nibbles on her biscuits slowly.
"That being said, I would still be happy to use your services again, sometime, and your company for at least a while longer would be appreciated - I might have instinctively tried to raise my magic resistance against the aftercare potion, or similar, and having someone there with me is... nice, regardless."
She reaches out to pull the warmth of her against her chest hesistantly.
She nuzzles in.
"I care about you. I realize it may be hard for you to believe it, being as we've barely been in the same room together for an hour, but I do. And I would love to have that second scene with you sometime soon."
She blushes brilliantly, and lets out a long contented sigh as she nuzzles back.
She shivers, a little, but this time it's a nicer one.
"I think it would be wisest for me to reserve judgement as to whether I 'really' care about you 'til I have a bit more experience as to what..."
She gestures broadly.
"All of this is like, but if I ignore that consideration, I would say that I care about you too, Tasha. Perhaps sometime tommorow we should meet again?"
They do indeed have snuggles.
She strips, and snuggles against her naked skin.
She beams softly, holding herself against her lightly.
There's no need for words as they rest together.
She presses into them, and idly strokes her hands across her wings, little tracing soft lines of metal instinctively forming and brushing against her faintly.
She rests her head against her neck, and her hand dangles beside hers, fingertips tracing across the back of her hand.