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Audrey's second day in the Rose Bowers
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"I can see that!"


Audrey giggles.


Lily smiles. 

"...I think we're kind of winding down, aren't we?"


"Yeah, I think so too. It was lovely to see you, though. Another date today?"


"Maybe in the evening, but I wouldn't count on it."




Lily finishes the last of her wieners and beans and stands. 

"... One last kiss before I go?"


Audrey stands as well, scootches around the table, and tentatively kisses Lily's lips. 

"... This was lovely," she says. "I'm looking forwards to doing it again."


"Me too," says Lily. "See you."

And she steps down from the gazebo with a little wave, and walks off into the gardens.


Audrey goes to clear the dishes and finds the table clear. Instead, there's an expensive "Black Rose" minting necklace, a catalog of forty pain flavours, a potion of sexswap, and some sensitivity salve and aphrodia essence. One of the chairs has turned into a long couch covered in blankets, and there's a small glass of apple-orange peach juice sitting on the floor next to it.


... She flushes at the obvious suggestions being made. 

But... Why not?


She lies down on the couch, and the table shrinks and shifts in beside her. 

She drinks a little of the apple orange peach juice, and sets the half-full glass onto the table. 

... She uncorks the aphrodia essence and refills the apple orange peach juice to its previous level.


She nudges the potion of sexswap aside. She's fine with her current genitals, thank you.


The potion stays on the table where it's put.


She supposes she'd have to do more to get it to be rejected entirely. 

She picks up the thorny necklace and settles it on over her head. Then she picks up the catalog of pain-flavours and reads it. 



... 364 Hand In Hair.

Ow. But... a nice kind of ow. 

She slips a hand down between her legs. 

... 133 Nice Nibbles... 60 Ravished Ass... 

She's starting to feel... well-used, now. 

36 Firm Step - Ow fuck, yes -

She rolls over onto her front, pulls the covers in close, and starts to grind into the couch.


Her phone chimes.


What ow - 


Her Rose Bowers app has popped up with a blackberry icon and a picture of Rose. 

Invite Rose to the Blackberry Gardens?


She taps "no" almost by reflex.


The notification disappears.


That... was a good sign, wasn't it? 

She settles back onto the couch and drinks some of her Aphrodia-spiked apple-orange-peach juice. It spreads out into her limbs with a warm, pleasant glow that makes her feel all melty and needy. 

She puts her phone on the table and resets her necklace and starts again. Hand in hair. Ravished ass. Nice nibbles. 

... 59 Fucked Raw? 


Oh fuck is it ever good to feel her sex all stretched and sore from an overly ambitious workout. She doesn't even have the relevant anatomy and she's still getting off hard on this. 

... she reaches out and takes the potion of sexswap in hand. 

It's only for a little while, right? 

She drinks. 


Her hands go exploring her new anatomy almost immediately. 

It's not so... user-friendly as her cock was, but she's read a few things and done a few things for women with cunts at this point, and that's enough for her to... handle the basics.

... 377 Vampire Bite, please. 

She comes. 

She relaxes slowly and lets all her pain flavours expire. 


... She would like her vibrator from her room and a pitcher of half and half apple orange peach juice and aphrodia essence and a tenta-pet and something to clear the sexswap effect when she wants to.

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