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Audrey's first day in the Rose Bowers
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"Okay. I've been hugged. Aftercare stuff."


Audrey fetches the cleaning wand and the aftercare potions. She downs one herself, then passes the spare to Hannah.


Hannah knocks back the potion and steals the wand to magic away the cold remnants of her arousal on her thighs. "That's better."


"Um," says Audrey. "I'm sorry. I should have warned you. Or negotiated beforehand. It just felt... right, to me. I should've questioned that feeling."


"Yeah," says Hannah. "It's good that you're discovering these things about yourself, but you can't just inflict them on people with no warning, alright? At least not in the Rosethorn Hotel."


"Yeah. I understand my error and I won't repeat it."


"Good thing you learned your lesson here instead of somewhere more dangerous."


"Yeah. I... think I want to be alone for a little while."


"I was about to say the same thing, actually. Meet you at Club Coze again once we've both processed a bit?"


"Sounds good to me." 


Hannah takes her dress and her bikini-bottom and leaves.


Audrey is left alone in her room. 

She orders a chocolate sundae from the console and eats it for a while. It doesn't really help. 

She's just fucked up the one steady thing she had going. What a mess. And all because she listened to her stupid, stupid instincts. 

She sighs. She goes and curls up in bed.


She's not sleepy, but she's tired. Today has been full of crazy things happening to her. Meeting and fucking her alt, having sex with an escort, everything to do with Hannah - it's a lot! 

- but they have potions to deal with "a lot", don't they? And this is aftercare. She gets the console out and downs the more esoteric "overwhelm" variant of the standard aftercare potion, and then she feels a little better. 

She sits up on the edge of her bed and gets out her phone. She pages through to the contacts on the Rose Bowers app. 

She could call Aurica and pour her heart out. Her alt would understand, maybe even have some advice. But... For some reason she hesitates to make the call. 

She tosses her phone onto her bed and punches a pillow. "Ugh!" 

She sits on the bed for a little while more. She picks up her phone, closes her contacts. Opens a matchmaking app from the Bowers. Closes that. 

... she's avoiding thinking about it. Alright, so. She's scared off Hannah. - wrong, actually, she seemed willing to give her another chance. Maybe. She's damaged her relationship with Hannah. Who... she didn't know before today. So maybe she doesn't need to be so worried. Can't she get other people to fuck her? (No she can't.) 

... in any case she cares about Hannah. In, like, a friend way, at least. And boy she is not going to examine those feelings too quickly, they're a mess. 

But she cares about her. Which makes it worth trying again. 

Back to Club Coze, then.


Hannah is waiting for her at the bar. She looks... composed. Unusually so for her.


"Er. Hello. Can we talk about what happened?"


"We've been over it. And I just have two things to say. One, you're not leading any scenes on me for at least another twenty four hours. Two, I want to return the favour."


"Return the favour?"


"I want to do an overstim scene with you. With you bottoming. So you can understand what you did and relate to it a bit more. I won't lie, this is a little bit of a revenge thing, but I'm not going to... make our relationship conditional on it. You're cute, you're new, mistakes happen. So even if you turn me down, you don't have to worry about us. You're a good lay. And I like you."


"I'm kind of getting mixed messages here. You want revenge but you also care about the relationship?"


"Yeah, basically. What's a little payback between friends?"


She takes a deep breath. "And you're sure I don't have to do this? It's a want, from you, not a need?"


"You one hundred percent do not have to. Worst case I go get out some of my frustrations on Rose."


"Then... I want to. It looked kind of fun, in an overwhelm-y way. And... I want to feel what you felt. Because - because I do. It seems like the right thing, in this relationship."


"Switch's rule: be prepared to take what you dish out. And I'm pretty sure you are a switch, the way you handled that vibrator. I might have to get you a real domme to educate you, I'm a wuss compared to some of the people here."


"I see. Well, I might as well get this over with sooner rather than later..."

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