Mhalir is...kind of impressed, actually, the most impressed he's been so far. There's still the same uncomfortable lack of any particular urgency or - a sense that this matters, that anything here could make the difference between a more-okay and less-okay world. But they're making intelligent points, they're being open and curious, there's - a sense in which they're still trying, even if it feels unclear to him whether, deep down, any of them believe it has real stakes.
(...Maybe it doesn't, not meaningfully, not the way he knows it? They seem to be at least quasi-immortal, living in an idyllic high-trust society in peace and plenty, their gods watching over them. Maybe it fits, culturally, that people in those circumstances would end up being this way... He's not sure what to think about it, and for some reason it's obscurely painful to look at.)
He wonders what Carissa's impression is. Probably less favourable than his.