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leareth, king of cheliax, searches for his alt in a velgarth 1000 years earlier
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"I think I often found it easier to bear, in the past. And - expected to find it easier again in the future. But sometimes - more often lately, I suppose, it feels like - what I promised to do, is - a very heavy thing to carry." 


Carissa can not really relate but then, she's thirty.


"I see. It - did feel daunting at times, I suppose. But you seem to feel...more daunted, right now, than I usually have. And you are not leaping at the opportunities offered by an entire other world with different magic, the way I did and expected you would also." 


Shrug. "I know, just... I am tired." 


Sigh. "I can see that. It concerns us, and - I want to help, but I am still not sure how." :Carissa, do you have any idea why things are troubling him so much? It still does not quite make sense to me: 


Carissa is very confused. Sometimes people lose the will to live but that's stupid because Hell isn't exactly more forgiving than life and also it feels out of character for Leareth. "What have you tried to fix the being tired."


"Sometimes learning magic would help. Or travelling to new places, but sometimes it would just feel more tiring. ...I think I am more tired now, which is odd, the voyage was not that tiring or stressful and it has been a couple of days." 


"Have you been sleeping well?" 


"Not since our ship ran into storms, it - makes it hard to sleep. But mostly it feels like...not that kind of tired." 


"He has nightmares a lot," Ekunde interjects. "It's really frustrating, he'll wake me up too and sometimes the whole goddamned family." 


"Well, we have sleep spells."


"Mmm. It seems worth trying to see if that helps, I suppose." 


Leareth nods. "We can try that. And - I would like to take you to Axis at some point, to speak with my ally, the pharaoh of Osirion. He is the one who resurrected me when I was murdered by the Star-Eyed; we can trust him. Also he is quite good at understanding people's feelings. I think he often understands my feelings better than I do myself." 


Nod. "All right, I can talk to him." 


"Have you had this problem when you weren't sharing, should we try to figure out how to separate the two of you."


"- Can you do that?" He frowns. "I - am not sure if it is related to that, but it could be." 


"I have no idea if we can do it but we can look into it and Aroden might know."




"Maybe you ought go back and get some more rest," Leareth suggests. "I can write to the pharaoh and ask if tonight works to meet us - unless you would rather have longer?" 


"No, tonight is fine." 


"I'd miss having him around, but it could be nice not having to share," Ekunde muses. "I mean, we could still be friends, right." 


"I would imagine so, yeah. Just - friends with separate bodies."


"Could be convenient. And I'd keep being a mage, right?" Ekunde stands up. "Was that all you wanted to ask Tadesse about?" 


"Yes, you can go." 


"Don't think we need an escort, I remember the way." Ekunde slips out. 

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