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leareth, king of cheliax, searches for his alt in a velgarth 1000 years earlier
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Leareth takes her hand and heads over in the direction of the guest suite offered to Tadesse and Ekunde and the family. 


They're up and eating breakfast around the dining table by the big window overlooking the palace flower gardens. Ayodele sits very close to her brother, but is smiling and talking animatedly to her parents; right now she seems to be listing all the names she's learned of local plants in the garden. 


It vaguely looks like Tadesse is the one leading, this morning; he's subdued, only adding the occasional comment to the conversation, but he's at least paying enough attention to follow it. 

He glances up at Leareth, questioning. 


Leareth grips Carissa's hand tighter. "Tadesse, I need to speak with you, if now is a good time?" 


"Oh. Now is fine." He accepts the brief one-armed hug that Ayodele gives him, and then stands. 


Yewande watches, distantly worried. 


She tries to give Yewande a "we're definitely not going to murder him" smile but honestly isn't sure she has her definitely not going to murder people smile down, it's not a very useful smile usually.


Leareth ushers Tadesse - and Ekunde, included by default - to the conference room next to his office that he generally uses for small meetings, and gestures for Tadesse to sit. 


He sits, his expression carefully neutral. "So, what did you wish to speak about?" 


Why is it so hard to figure out what to say. Leareth takes a deep breath. "We - are worried about you, Tadesse." 


"Are you." 


Leareth nods. "You seem...not quite yourself. Carissa noticed from the start that you seemed - not engaged with the situation..." He trails off, glances at Carissa for help. 


"I was worried you'd been badly injured. But that's not it, is it, you're just - not very inclined to do things."


"I was doing things," Tadesse says, noncommittally. "And now it - makes sense to step back and reorient rather than keep doing the same things." 


"You have not been asking the sorts of questions I had expected either." 


Shrug. "I think the others have that covered right now." 


" - this is more concerning if you don't have any insight about it. Look, if Leareth were in your situation what do you think he would do."


"- I am not sure. I think Leareth has more resources in his Velgarth than I do, right now, and he is not..." Tadesse trails off, fidgets with the edge of the table. "Leareth, did you end up - in Velgarth, the gods - did you -?" 


"I had, when I discovered Golarion a few years ago, not yet found a better alternative to the plan of building a god. Nor a less costly power source. I spent a very long time searching, and also preparing. ...In the end I did not carry out that plan, since - conditions changed, drastically - and there are gods in this world who are on my side. On our side. They can communicate with the gods of Velgarth, too, though not without frustration on both sides, and relations with Velgarth are - fairly reasonable, right now. Though contact did not go entirely smoothly, at first; at one point I was murdered by some of the Tayledras who had been up until that point helping us with the war here. One of my local allies resurrected me, using this world's magic, and...there is a me local to Golarion as well, who was a god before and now is one again. You are not wrong to be upset about the - options you saw available in Velgarth - but we do have better ones now. That is one of the reasons I sought you out, so I could share our resources." 



"- Tad, can I try to explain it to them?" 


"Mmm. Go ahead, I suppose." 


This is so concerning!!! She tries to listen and not look inordinately concerned.


"He's not always like this, it's - a mood he has sometimes, for a few days or weeks. And I think it was worse at the start, actually, when he'd just come into my head. He - doesn't usually want to talk about it, even to me, but I think he has a lot of bad memories and sometimes he dwells on them, and then he's sad and tired and sort in his past, I guess. I reckoned before that was just what it's like being an immortal eight hundred year old spirit, you'd end up having seen so many awful things, but - it sounds like Leareth's twice as old as that and he's not - haunted by it, the same way. So, I don't know." 

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