smol bell in urtho's tower
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"I hope so too! Any other questions? If not I'll go check where you and your teacher should come to, er, fix the set-commands." 


"I don't have any more, thank you."


Then Lasi will escort her to the door, tell her to wait there a minute, and slip back into the Guard-office. She returns a couple of minutes later to give Azabel a room number and the name of the officer she should ask for, to find the set-commanded boys once her Mindhealing instructor is available. 


"Thank you."

And she writes the room number and the name down, and (goes to the bathroom and) goes to wait outside Lionwind's office.


Lionwind is still with his last patient of the day, but he's done forty-five minutes later. He calmly ushers the patient to the door, waits for it to fall closed, and then rushes over to Azabel. "Are you all right?" 


"I'm okay - I tripped when they startled me but it wasn't a very bad fall. We're supposed to go to 507 and fix the set-commanded boys."


He nods, and pats her shoulder before heading off in the direction of the guard building, at a courteously Azabel-appropriate pace. "I hope they did not give you trouble about using a set-command in self defence?" 


"No. At least not yet?"


“I hope they would have informed you by this point if you were in trouble.”

They reach the building and head to room 507.


"I'd hope so too! So probably I'm not." She asks for the name she was given.


They’re led to the appropriate room. The boys are sitting huddled against the backs of their chairs. The guard watching them gives Azabel a disconcerted look.


"One of them got 'don't' - the one who tried to read me - and the other one got 'stop', the one who actually attacked me," she tells Lionwind, "is that importantly different -"


"I am not sure! It would depend on the intent you were holding when you did it. - Hmm. How about you look, first, and tell me what you observe with your Sight, and we will undo this together." 


Azabel nods and looks at first the one, then the other.


They do look different, although maybe not as different as she would have expected. Set-commands show up to Mindhealing Sight as a sort of governer-switch imposed in placed and slammed down over a broad area of gears. The 'don't' set-command is somewhat narrower; the second, 'stop' set-command covers the area it did plus several on either side. 


"They are a little different and the first one's narrower but it didn't just stop him from using Thoughtsensing. Ugh, this is going to take a while. We should maybe do the second one first because he's a bit more locked up."


"I did warn you, set-commands take far longer to remove than to place! - All right, are you ready to watch me do this?"


"I know you warned me, it's just annoying. I'm watching."


From Azabel's perspective, it really does look like the set-commands are very neat and self-contained and should be easy to remove as so, but in fact they appear to be shoved quite hard and deeply into the gear-structure, and she watches Lionwind needing to push with his Gift and soften all of the linkages in each section in order to pull out the bits and pieces of her set-commands. 


"If you went faster would it just not work or would it wreck stuff on the way out?"


Lionwind, distracted, answers in Mindspeech. :It would depend how quickly, and how much I was using my Gift to make it easier to manipulate - if his mind were not malleable enough then it would simply not work, if it were the right amount of malleable and I went too hastily, then I would cause damage in the process:


She nods and watches, making inscrutable little notes now and then.


Eventually Lionwind finishes with the first boy. 

"- You ought be able to move now," he says, gently.


The boy's eyes dart around. He shifts position, then slowly stands - 

- sees Azabel, makes a low-pitched whimper in the back of his throat, and flees the room. 


Lionwind is quiet for a moment, head bowed. 

:What do you think about, er, that: he says to Azabel. 

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