The Plucky Baroness raises a glass of wine. "Congratulations! I was surprised to hear that a relative unknown was the one who purchased that lovely machine that's been for sale for so long, rather than Ms. Lovejoy leading the pair of you two, but I'm sure it'll serve you well. We'd offer you some supplies for the journey, but you seem to have it well in hand. Gifts for new captains of any sort of merit are a tradition, however- So, advice. For two days you may bring me names and I will tell you if they are good sorts, to my knowledge."
The Masked Citizen taps the table. "You're hiding something. The story is too convenient and there are... Oddities. I am certain of it. That's not necessarily a deal-breaker. Many people are hiding many things. Here." He passes over a small folded paper. "Compendium of common signals for various, less than legal, groups. Fairly outdated. Probably not useless. I'll be watching you."
"It's not actually impossible for her to have inherited an old warehouse. The thing is," 'Spatchcocker' Meg continues, "Some secrets are a lot more dangerous than others. If you're joining the ranks of explorers, my advice is to get some big guns and a good gunner. And know when to run like hell and when to fight. If you intend to head to Eleutheria, watch out for Grievers. Scaly, mostly mouth, hard to describe. They hate the light."
The Bedeviled Diadict says, "I am always on the hunt for- Er- More information from distant locales. There are a great number of subjects that interest me, or a colleague I can pass the information on to. Any unusual discoveries, you may show them to me for possible identification or sale. And since we're doing advice, d-do not pry into the affairs of the stars if you value your life."