Elesse is flying from Coruscant to the Mid Rim to check on one of the old satellite temples, to see if anything survived the purge. She's in a small shuttlecraft by herself, which proves to be fortunate when half an hour out she encounters a hyperspace anomaly that rips her ship in half.

She is dumped out of hyperspace as she no longer is within the effect of a hyperdrive. Fortunately, she is also somehow within the atmosphere of a planet instead of a random point in interstellar space, so this is not immediately fatal, and assuming she can survive the imminent crash, she may live longer yet.

Her half a ship traces a fiery arc across the sky and down into a forest, crashing through branches and furrowing the ground until it finally comes to a halt at the trunk of a particularly large tree, which creaks ominously.

Elesse hops nimbly out of the wreckage shortly thereafter. At least anything that is likely to explode has already been lost to her.