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He takes a moment to catch his breath, once in a body that can do that. And then starts morphing back. To Leareth’s healthy undamaged body, not Leareth’s body in the state it was in seconds ago.


(Morphing looks really gross even when it’s human-to-human but it’s also so cool.)


Everything feels a lot less terrible all of a sudden? He still can’t move though.


<Thank you> he says to Mhalir. 


:What are you doing in my head: Leareth thinks at Mhalir. 


<You were badly injured and dying. Matirin gave you morph but you were too disoriented to do it on your own so I morphed for you. I am under compulsion ->


Matirin gave him morph? For a second Leareth thinks that he’s probably dreaming because that makes no sense.


Mhalir clears Leareth’s throat. “Can you unhook him from the machines now so he can move around please.” He’s keeping control of Leareth’s body in the interim just so he doesn’t move ill-advisedly.

And to his host: “Amanda, if you would like a break to decompress from - all of this - I understand and can be put in a glass of water for a while or something. Today has been ridiculous and you are putting up with a great deal.”


Amanda smiles a bit shakily at him. "Maybe just a - short break -"


He can start detaching all the machines.


Leareth is still really confused and - maybe more upset than he should be about waking up not in control of his body, given that apparently Mhalir just saved his life. 

:Can you please get out of my head:


<One moment. I know this is very unpleasant but try to stay calm. You can use your Mindspeech>

“Amanda, you can put me back whenever you are ready, although I would request it be before morning since the situation is still rather critical.”


:Matirin?: Leareth tries. :What happened?:


<We believe there was a coup attempt targeting Mhalir. As part of it there was an orbital strike on your location in New York, about twelve hours ago. You and Vanyel survived it. You were deteriorating; we needed you to morph it off but you seemed too disoriented. I asked Mhalir to do this.> He has someone fetch a fishbowl for Mhalir now.


:I barely remember anything so 'too disoriented' seems right: As soon as Mhalir lets him, Leareth sits up. It - takes a lot of control and willpower, to keep his body still and not shaking and hyperventilating, this is an annoying problem to be having. :What is Vanyel's condition: 


<He was much less badly injured and is sleeping.>


Leareth extends his Thoughtsensing, finds Vanyel nearby, relaxes fractionally. He catches Mhalir slipping from his ear and looks around for someone to give him to. 


Andalite with an expression of great distaste and a fishbowl!


He can still read Mhalir with Thoughtsensing and talk to him with Mindspeech, at least, even when he's bodiless. :Thank you for saving my life: 


<You are welcome.> 


Leareth swings his legs over the side of the bed, nods gratefully to the Andalite doctor and assembled nurses and Healers who've presumably been keeping him alive for the last while. :How long has it been?: he asks Matirin. 


<Twelve hours. Mhalir was attacked simultaneously. He got a communication, purportedly from you, suggesting he go to your safe house in El Paso. He was attacked when he arrived, but the force was not expecting the shield amulet. They seem to have also not expected Yfandes's Foresight; under the model of our capabilities they had their plan would have succeeded, so it was reasonably well-planned.>


:Yfandes' Foresight and Vanyel's absurd power. He is - five to ten times stronger than I am, at a guess, which matters much more than skill and finesse when one is attempting to shield an orbital strike. It is almost miraculous that any of us survived: Pause. :All the others are dead?: 


Leareth bows his head in silence for a moment. Counting off names in his head. His people. Who knew the risk, but still... 

:Do we know who was responsible for the coup. And where they are now. I assume Mhalir is here because he feared being unsafe among his own people?: 

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