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<Nothing that I am pleased about has happened for several months. I think it will be disadvantageous to our endeavor here if the ship makes it to other Yeerk territory with the version of events put forward by whatever Yeerk faction did this. But yes, we cannot try it right now even if Leareth approves. I am relieved we have some time, at least.>




He feels like he should say more but he's not sure what. He goes back to pacing, instead. 


Marian is back in the feels-like-four-am state, except she doesn't think it's even close to four am yet. It's just been a stupidly long day and Leareth is such a frustrating patient. It's not his fault at all, his body is just in terrible shape and every time she thinks they've solved one problem for good, a new one shows up. The Andalite technology plus Healing magic is really good; he's not going to go into kidney failure from all the damaged muscle breakdown even though he sure did give it a try. (Marian knows he didn't do any of it on purpose, she's just being snarky about it in her own head.) 

For a while it seemed like he was improving; she was down to fretting about non-life-threatening problems like his entire digestive system being on strike, which she cannot blame it for at all. But he's - kind of worrying her now? A lot of numbers are getting wacky at once, not that off - yet, some part of her hindbrain worries - but she doesn't like it. His oxygen levels are dropping despite the REALLY COOL Andalite tech for getting oxygen to his blood, humans sort of have that on Earth but it's still pretty terrible and unsafe.

She wakes another of the Velgarth Healers and summons the Andalite doctor. "Nothing looks that horrible yet or anything, just, he seems worse and it's making me antsy." 


That is worrying. Do the Healers see anything more specific than a lot of numbers getting worse.


They're trying to look. His extremities are cold and don't seem to be getting enough circulation even though his blood pressure isn't that low - something else seems wrong there, something that's pervasively wrong in a lot of places in his body, but subtly, they can't figure out what

Also he's - bleeding again? Not fast at this point, but they had definitely stopped all the various internal bleeding hours ago, and now a lot of it is oozing again. Including into his lungs, which had been partially by not entirely un-fucked, this isn't immediately an emergency because he's getting most of his oxygen elsewhere but it seems pretty not ideal. 


Marian is flipping through her textbook again. 


<You were going to give him morph when he wakes up, right? If we can't fix the spine.>


<We might not have that long.>


<Ask the healers if they even can get him conscious.>


<Could you get him conscious for five minutes> he asks them.


Maybe? If they throw a LOT of Healing at it? He's been getting more responsive and was semi-conscious earlier, just - not actually the kind of awake that's useful, he wasn't processing anything they were saying. (It's kind of a good thing he can't move because he would have probably started flailing around fighting them and hurt himself a lot more.)


"- Fuck I think I know what the problem is," Marian says. Pretty calmly. (She is kind of panicking but also kind of having an out-of-body experience about it.) "This is really not great - this happens sometimes, his body freaked out from all the inflammation and made a lot of tiny clots and now his blood doesn't have any of the substances that do clotting left so he's bleeding. I had this happen to a patient with sepsis and they died, and this is way worse because he's got so much internal damage where he can start bleeding again. You could - try giving him a platelet transfusion if you can do that? But that's only part of the problem and he might just go back to making tiny clots everywhere and not getting circulation." 


Should they try to get him awake. 


Yes. Also he'll try the platelet transfusion but - sometimes someone is badly off enough that you need them to morph and this is increasingly looking like that. 


Matirin brings the blue box that does hookup to the morph technology in hyperspace. He's just piling on complications for future Matirin, here, but none of them are as bad as Leareth ending up dead. 

He holds Leareth's hand to it and enters the code and the colors change in confirmation and - 


<He just needs to be conscious for five minutes. Less, except he doesn't know how to morph, so ->


They're trying


Leareth is moaning and trying to open his eyes and toss his head from side to side, the only part of him that can currently move. And also coughing up blood, although his coughing ability is pretty impaired from the being paralyzed. 


"Leareth Leareth I need you to wake up - stay calm, it's okay–" It is super not okay. "Can someone wake Nayoki, maybe she can do a Mindhealing thing to get him more awake but not panicking..."

Someone Mindspeaks her until she wakes up. 


This is officially the worst night of her entire life and the morph box would be really cool except for the everything else. "Can we give him a stimulant or something?" Marian asks the Andalite doctor. It seems like it'll be really bad for him but if all they need is five minutes...


<That is what I would do with an Andalite patient we needed to morph but I don't know what dose is safe. What would you give.>

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