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<It seems like a hard problem, when young children develop powerful magic. I do not blame you for children being curious or disobedient.>


"Usually they're a bit older and it's less awkward, although rebellious teenagers with magic is not ideal either. - I don't know if Andalite children go through that phase, maybe it's a human thing. Anyway, thank you for being so understanding about it. I promise we won't let it happen again." 


<I think this is a good place for Alloran and I am grateful for that. I hope soon it is safe for him and any of your people who wish it to travel to Earth.>


Nod. "So do I." 


Melody is ready to get a Gate back to Haven whenever Matirin is done talking to the King. :Thank you for coming with me. I know you didn't end up doing that much but it made me feel a lot better: 


<Of course. Leareth wanted to talk to Alloran, do you think he is in a state to do that?>


:- Huh. I - think that in a day or two he'll be in a fine state to talk to people in general, he's so motivated to do anything that helps with the war effort and I think it's good for him to have that. I...don't have a good sense of whether Leareth will, er, be stressful for him to interact with because of the background with Visser Three: (Who she wants to set on FIRE.) 


<He was in Leareth's head when Visser Three was and - seemed to disagree that there were similarities. But likely it would be stressful anyway.>


:Possibly I should float the idea with him when I next check in. I - don't think all kinds of stressful are bad, but it depends: Frown. :I have to admit I also struggle to see the similarities between them: 


<Leareth seemed persuaded. I think he found it upsetting, to be so persuaded. I think it makes sense that a ruthless human with noble ultimate goals and a tendency to disregard what others say is honorable - acting in a human world, with other human actors - would err much less badly than one that is a slug-creature who can only have power by taking it, operating in a universe full of aliens whose behaviors are incomprehensible to him...the better you understand the space of what might happen the safer it is to be ruthless and Mhalir understood rather little of the universe and all the forces at work in it.>


:Gods, no wonder, if I found out that in an alternate world I could have been Mhalir, I would be SO upset about it: 

They go through the Gate back to the ship. 


And it's time to meet with disconcerted human politicians and explain that the world was being invaded by evil Yeerks over the objections of good Yeerks, and then the Andalites showed up allied with the forces of Leareth, and the good Yeerks staged a coup and surrendered, and now everybody would like to have peaceful relations with Earth, and they will definitely work with the humans on bringing the bad Yeerks to justice and on giving the people of Earth the tools to verify that their population has been un-enslaved.

The Andalites are hoping that the war against the evil Yeerks elsewhere in the galaxy will go quickly at this point but if humans want to join that fight, the Andalites are used to working with humans as the forces of Leareth are human too. They're planning to make all of this public tomorrow and can share their planned statement with the human politicians.




The planned statements are all delivered by Matirin, who morphs human at the start of them; he morphs different ethnic groups depending on where the announcement will be broadcast, and has acquired morphs aiming for 'attractive' rather than 'unmemorable'. The statements explain most of the same stuff, plus explaining how people can sign up to eventually get a Yeerk if they want, and contain more fluff about what the Andalite home world is like and what Andalites have enjoyed most about Earth (coffee!! cinnamon rolls!) He lists some favorite morphs of Earth animals and offhandedly mentions that factory farming is very concerning and humans should research alternatives. He says that Andalite military technology must remain top secret until the war is over but the Yeerks and the people of Leareth are eager to share what they know and learn from the people of Earth. 


Leareth joins Matirin to meet with the very disconcerted politicians, though he lets Matirin do more of the talking, he's not as good at putting people at ease.

He can also record some statements about Velgarth and Velgarth magic, and what his people find impressive about Earth, and how he hopes they can work together in future and effectively combine their different knowledge bases.

He also records a formal apology about Lasvat's Final Strike in D.C., and explains the circumstances; it was in a fight with the bad Yeerks and it was far preferable to the Adept mage falling into their hands and giving them the power to win the war and enslave Earth, but he also appreciates that it came at great cost, and he is saddened by the loss of life involved. (He doesn't say anything about the compulsion involved. Lasvat would almost certainly have called a Final Strike anyway, by his own choice.) 

If Earth's leaders are interested, he can arrange demonstrations of innocuous but showy magic by some of his people, in various cities. 


Marian is chatting with Aileen while Emril does one final Healing-Sight check. 

"- you know, I think the best thing about having a Yeerk - if they were nice, I mean - would be multitasking, I'm so bad at it. Also I bet they wouldn't be scared of doctors. If I had to call one of the scary doctors I could just get them to help with it, that'd be neat." 


"Oh, yeah, I mean you can't multitask that well since there's only one set of hands and pair of eyes, but I got good at spacing out and deciding what to have for dinner while she was doing payroll or whatever."


"You could probably be better at having a conversation and also doing something complicated at the same time? Oh, also I would get my Yeerk to learn to drive, probably, I hate driving so I only ride my bike..." 


Emril steps back. "Aileen, you are officially clear of cancer. Congratulations." 


"- wow, that was so fast - do you know when my hair'll start coming back -"


"Pretty soon, I think. Although of course it'll grow the normal speed hair does, so it'll take a while to be long. If you want I can do a little bit of special Healing to make it grow extra-fast for a few days?" 


"I'd like that - I know it's silly to care about my hair that much, just whenever I touch my head it feels wrong."


"No, no, that makes perfect sense. Just a moment, sorry, this is going to make your scalp tickle." 


"Is it okay to scratch it or will that mess you up?"


"Nah, scratching is fine, just don't break the skin - and that won't even mess up the hair-follicles much, it'll just hurt." 


"Are you going to ask them about getting Enstat back now?" Marian says. "I know you miss her a lot." 

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