<We will immediately begin preparations to return all prisoners in a way that allows verification they are Yeerk-free. Would appreciate your input on what precautions you wish to take here. We will begin work on the specified proposal.>
(Which notably does not say they'll implement one.)
Visser would like his people to start work on planning that, though, if it's the best that ends up being possible. They should have fairly good records, at this point, of which hosts are voluntary, but he wants all of that re-checked. (Because, thanks to people like Enstat, there may be more now than before.) He of course expects the Thoughtsensers will want to check this themselves, for any humans opting to stick with their Yeerks.
Mostly, Mhalir is at this point placing all his hopes for a better outcome than "exiled to pools on their home planet" on Leareth, and Leareth's existing rapport with Matirin. He doesn't say this, though.
- it's somewhat worrying that he's not talking to Matirin. The commander could be dead. Or just injured. Or still on Earth, in hiding somewhere. He won't know for a while.