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matirin would like it noted that he is a better judge of character than seerow and just had fewer options
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<We could not see through the Gate when he raised it.>


Thoughtful looks. "Odd. Maybe Gates between different worlds are just like that. My guess is that his Gate went to slightly the wrong place and then he did a second Gate to return here, but there would have been some interval in between."

"Is he going to be all right?" 

One of the Healers is looking intently at Leareth. "I - think so...?" 


<We should do purer oxygen and higher pressure, if he's reacting well> says the Andalite doctor, frowning at the scans again. < least, that would be a good idea if he were an Andalite.>


“Seems worth trying if you make slow changes,” one of the Healers says, “I can watch closely...”


<I am going to change the air pressure in the whole room, it is the most convenient way to do this without obstructing us. I will do it very slowly. I do not know what physiological symptoms humans will notice.> A bunch of machines can monitor Leareth alongside the Healer though they're going to be much less useful because they don't know what a healthy pulse or blood pressure or blood oxygen level or anything else is. 


The currently-conscious humans look at each other and try to figure out if they can notice anything. Subjectively it's hard to tell except that their ears hurt, like swimming underwater, and they have to yawn to clear them. 

"That seems good," the Healer says a couple of minutes later. "Everything looks almost normal, for a healthy human." They continue to be really impressed. "...I think he's starting to wake up. Um, we should be careful and maybe shield, he - last time he got injured on a trip, he set Narya's eyebrows on fire when he woke up..." 


<It is very very important he not make fire in this room!!!>


"Um–" And the Healer reaches for Leareth's shoulder and uses her Gift to forcibly nudge him toward unconsciousness again. She switches to Mindspeech. :What do we do? I can prevent him from waking up but that seems not ideal! It's only a risk for a couple of seconds, until he remembers where he is, and...probably he won't do more than shields? If that, he's very magically drained: 


<I can put the room back to having a normal amount of oxygen and then a fire will be only a normal amount of disastrous.>


:Is that going to be bad for him otherwise? I guess you could put it back again once he's awake and definitely not going to set anything on fire: 


<It is not ideal for his recovery but it is better than a sizable explosion.>


The Healer will keep Leareth asleep until the Andalite doctor says it's all right to wake him. 


Soon the room is back to being only a normal amount of oxygenated and he gives the Healer the go-ahead.


Leareth claws his way back to consciousness over thirty seconds of effort and then immediately isn't sure whether to regret it because ow - where is he - he tries to bring up shields, which is an even worse idea, it turns out, when you've collapsed two Gates on yourself in quick succession.

He tries to roll over, which meets with slightly more success except that someone immediately reaches in and holds him down. They're saying something but his ears hurt and the sound isn't quite clear. Also it's kind of hard to breathe, which is alarming. 

"Where–?" he tries, and starts coughing. 


"It's okay, you're okay - you did a Gate and went to space by accident, but you made it back, just relax." 


Leareth doesn't feel very relaxed at all but he tries his best. 


"All right, we're past the point where he might panic and set things on fire," the Healer confirms, "can you put it back to where he can breathe all right, please." 


He can do that! After explaining one more time that there will be so much fire if anyone starts any fires here, this isn't something he usually has to worry about in his medical bay.


The Healer apologizes about mages being inconvenient that way. It's a whole thing. Even normal amounts of fire are disprefered in hospitals, and yet. 


Leareth feels a little better, and decides to stay where he is, and eventually tests opening his eyes. Blurry and ouchy but otherwise acceptable. He tries to gauge which of Mindspeech and speaking out loud will be more gruelling, and eventually settles on Mindspeech.

:Sorry. I think I made a mistake with the Gate: 


<Our theory is that you opened it into space.>


:That - makes sense -: Leareth spends a second trying to cohere his thoughts, and then just shoves the brief sensory impression he remembers at whoever Mindspoke with him.

:Cold: he complains, though he's not sure if he's actually cold or just shivering for unrelated reasons, such as the fact that Gate mishaps are terrifying and he nearly died because he was being so stupid about it. 


They can get him a blanket. 


:I should have been more careful but it mostly worked: Leareth seems pretty satisfied about this. He closes his eyes and curls up with his blanket, is quiet for a while. 


A couple of the Healers stay with him and try to figure out how to Heal the weird lung damage, which isn't quite like what they've seen before. 

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