When Vanyel is ready for the mad science tour, he shows him the monkeys. "They're monkeys," she feels it necessary to clarify. "I know they look very human at this point, because the whole point of them is that I'm going to move into one if I ever die, but they're not people, and I have forbidden the staff to name them. I could move into one now if I had to but I'd like to get one actually looking like me in particular first, and I want to stick more Gifts into them, I got Fetching out of some Changesquirrels but further work is needed." She shows him the mice, too. "Do you suppose Jisa'd like a winged mouse? What's her favorite color?" She shows him all her microbiology eggs. "That's a flu sample from the recent plague! I remembered to take one. Those there are other flus. The white eggs have more-alive microbes and the brown eggs have less-alive kinds - there's a cold one of the staff mages had a few months ago, there's food poisoning, there's the most common kind from healthy intestines - you could get your Sight this fine, you know, I don't do heavy Healing-Gift use apart from Sight for this work."
There's a pause, and then a rapid dump of not-quite-verbal concepts. Companions are a (structure/process/some godconcept that doesn't quite map) that tie into the (construct-over-time) materially represented by the Web and the Death Bell, and less tangibly by the rest of the Heraldic institution and cultural context. Companions are (clean/ordered/predictable) in a way that gives specifically the Shadowgod more (power/influence/legibility)(this is a concept smushed together that in human terms feels very jerryrigged but seems to make sense from a different angle.)
Companions are mostly human but are also (patterned/regularized/imprinted) in a particular way that has some hard-to-describe relationship to the rest of the structure. Probably this is related to certain problems introduced by the alliance with Leareth.
:Is there a way to get un-bonded Companions loose of the - rigidity that makes it hard for them to think about being at odds with gods ever? And the Groveborn?:
:Okay. Can I now reach you from anywhere in range of the Heartstone if I think of more questions? Is answering questions costly in any way we should know about?:
You ought now be able to reach me from anywhere in Haven, yes. Questions...are somewhat costly if they require translating new concepts to the avatar, but also valuable, since it will contribute to the avatar system working better, and those answers will then be remembered. You in particular need not worry about frequency of questions.
:What should I tell other people about whether they should worry about the frequency of questions?:
:Well?: Amshalan asks as she heads out. :Is the improvement worth all the fuss Leareth put into it?:
:It seems like a big improvement. I don't know yet if it obviates the need to build our own but that can wait till Leareth wakes up. Can you tell all the Companions that if they're not jailbroken yet Shadowgod'll do that for them if they go in the room, that includes Rolan:
:They could also stop making foals be born that way but thought that maybe getting it undone would be a useful lesson? Is it a useful lesson?:
:...Hmm. I think so? Not sure if it’s valuable enough to be worth the fuss, but it did make it a lot more salient to me that my beliefs and feelings aren’t always trustworthy and I should check:
:Huh. I'm not sure that's worth slapping a mind-control feature on every newborn Companion but I guess it's an understandable argument:
:–My guess here would be that the Shadowgod doesn't see mind-control as intrinsically bad. Given that, um, They came up with Companions as a system in the first place. So my guess would be that all they're going on is the Foresight footprint, and...if you add in that it's a pretty icky thing to do to people, it looks less appealing:
:I'd be interested in a - poll of Companions, maybe after the ones who are going to go to the room have done so - I know I'm unusual in this regard:
:Makes sense. Though I think most of the Companions who hang around Haven will opt for it, it's annoying being left out of gossip because it makes your spine crawl:
:I keep having to update in the direction that gossip is more important than I thought. Maybe I should skip ahead and conclude that the entire world is made of nothing but gossip and pease porridge:
:Heh. I do think Companions are especially inclined to gossip - serves the important purpose of keeping information up to date without making people feel like they're having to sit through boring meetings about it: