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f!wangxian get up to shenanigans and Meng Yao gets nice things
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Some time later, the Jiang contingent shows up to Wen Indoctrination. 

Wei Ying, having had it thoroughly drilled into her that she needs to behave by approximately everyone, is on her best behavior, which still involves loudly thinking that this is idiotic, but fortunately you can only pick up on that if you have the social graces God gave a goat, and therefore she is completely safe from detection of contempt by any relevant Wens. 

"Jin-gongxi," she greets the peacock politely, mostly just to attract his attention, and then she turns to Nie Huaisang and says, "Hi, Nie-xiong. How are you? How's Meng Yao?" 


"Oh, I'm fine, Wei-guniang," says Nie Huaisang. He doesn't sound very enthusiastic. "It's... I mean, kind of terrible having to come here, isn't it? But I'm fine, really, fine... and Meng Yao's doing well! He and Da-ge have been working very hard to - " he glances around at the Wen guards and lowers his voice dramatically. "Keep Qinghe safe, and everything. Meng Yao offered to come, actually, but since he's not technically a disciple - and Da-ge wanted him to stay. So. He's probably fine."



She leans over to Jiang Cheng. "Do you notice how there aren't any Lan disciples? Does that worry you?" 


"Considering what she's carrying, it's for the best if she isn't anywhere near Qishan." 


"No doubt," she says, although she sounds a little disappointed. "But there could've been someone else." 


"Maybe after what Wen Chao said about what Wen Xu was doing the Wen aren't counting Gusu Lan as a major sect anymore." 


"We can hope, but...I have a bad feeling." 


"There's nothing we can do about it, so save your worry for yourself, alright? I don't like what you said about how Wen Chao looked at you." 


"I knew telling you about that was a mistake..." 


"You're my sister, I'm allowed to want to protect you." 


Sigh. "Yeah, okay. I'll try not to worry about it for now." 


Wen Chao descends the extensive number of stairs on the ziggurat in a display probably intended to look almost as impressive as it actually looks stupid. He stands on the last rank of stairs, above their heads, and insults them for a bit, before demanding that "she" be brought over. 


It looks like Lan Zhan has joined them after all. Wen guards escort her across the plaza, one on either side, and there are no other Lan disciples in sight.



She looks at her and her blood freezes. 

Something is wrong, something is very wrong, she's never seen that exact expression on Lan Zhan's face but it's not good. 

She freaks out about this in whispers at Jiang Cheng, but while he agrees that Lan Zhan being here is A Bad Sign he never really learned to read her face and doesn't see what Wei Ying is making a fuss about there. 

"Lan Zhan," she hisses when the other woman draws abreast. "Hey. Lan Zhan!" 


Lan Zhan ignores her. Stop it, stop drawing attention to yourself, stop it.



She fails to pick up on Lan Zhan's would-be telepathic admonitions and continues trying to get Lan Zhan's attention until Wen Chao orders them all to stop talking, and also turn over their swords, because the Wen aren't even pretending to be reasonable anymore. 

After a few brief protests in which absolutely everyone backs down when Wen Chao gets up in their business and Mianmian lowkey confirms that Jin Guangshan is also a terrible father to his legitimate son, it's the Jiang contingent's turn, and she turns over Suibian with gritted teeth. 


She hands Bichen to the guard without protest. It's a joke that they even gave the sword back to her just for this.

It's still very unpleasant to watch Wen guards handle her sword; that has not become any less unpleasant. It's terrible watching Wei Ying go through the same ordeal right beside her. She hates that Wei Ying is here so much, Wei Ying should be as far away from here as possible.


Wen Chao explains how they're all going to be expected to learn the sacred tenets and glorious history of the Wen Sect. They'll be tested on it three times a day and punished if they don't learn it all immediately. 

They have to listen to him drone on with all the eloquence of a mosquito for more than an hour more and then they're dismissed to their quarters. 


Wei Ying can't stop thinking about what's going on with Lan Zhan. 

She gives the scroll they're supposed to be learning a cursory look while Jiang Cheng unpacks his stuff, but she can't even muster the will to find it hilarious just how hypocritical the Wen sect is right now; they didn't even bother to edit out their own rules against using the sect's power to bully other people. 

She tries to leave out the front door but the front door is, apparently, guarded by soldiers with orders not to let them leave. 

So, naturally, due to who she is as a person, she finds a window that opens enough that she thinks she can probably squeeze through, waits until there are no guards in sight, makes her egress, and starts sneaking around the other sect houses to see if she can find Lan Zhan. 


There is a Lan House at the end of the row, but there is no light inside and no guards posted at the door.


This does not decrease her level of concern!!!

She sneaks as far away from the prisoners' housing as possible, then hides until she spots a lone Wen soldier, at which point she knocks him out from behind, strips off his uniform, ties him and gags him with his own underclothes, then shoves him in a bush. 

She dons the Wen uniform and strolls into the palace. 

It takes a few false starts and some more observation to imitate the relevant yes-I-am-a-legit-Wen-lackey-with-somewhere-I-am-supposed-to-be walk, but she doesn't get caught, which is the important thing. 

Now, can she overhear anyone talking about Lan Zhan... 

...Yes. In conjunction with the words "stubborn," "dungeon," and some words she wouldn't hesitate to say but she wants to claw these men's tongues out for applying to the dignified Second Jade. 

She will refrain. She is on her best behavior. 


Finding the dungeons isn't difficult. It ought to be more difficult. This is too many dungeons, put some back. Finding the right bit of dungeon is harder, but she manages it. 

She pushes open the door. 

For a moment, she is shocked still, not quite believing what she sees. Then the sheer magnitude of her rage keeps her paralyzed a moment more. Then--

Well. Suibian is currently locked away, somewhere, but Wen Chao's sword is lying discarded on the ground. She snatches it up, and for a moment almost draws it to run him through, but then it occurs to her that doing that without any risk of hurting Lan Zhan would be difficult, so instead she jerks it around his throat and yanks back, pulling him off her and cutting off his air and blood flow to the brain thoroughly enough that he can't cry out for help. He struggles, but he has no leverage. She doesn't bother delivering a coup de grace when he goes limp; that'll keep him unconscious for a while and she can kill him later. 

She kneels down and yanks Lan Zhan's dress closed. 

"Lan Zhan?" she asks softly. 


She flinches when the door opens - it's not the first time anyone else has been around, during, but she hates it, she hates it so much - but Wen Chao doesn't even look up as the footsteps approach.

Until Wen Chao's weight vanishes all at once, and when Lan Zhan looks up she sees - 


- which doesn't make any sense, why would a Wen guard ever - ? 

The guard leaves Wen Chao's unconscious body to approach her. Lan Zhan freezes. He crouches down, and her fist has already aimed for the guard's face when he takes hold of her dress and pulls it closed.

Then -

'Lan Zhan', in Wei Ying's voice, and Lan Zhan is hit with a second wave of shock and relief-horror-anguish. Wei Ying can't be here. Wei Ying came for her, Wei Ying looked for her - Wei Ying can't be here - 


"Leave." Her voice sounds less commanding than usual: hoarse and not entirely steady.


"Not yet, I've got to get you out of here." 

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