And since, despite the world's admitted tendency towards situations best left in the more dramatic varieties of literature, it wasn't literally a stereotypical gothic novel, Kanimir didn't expect anything in particular to happen. If nothing else, there were far more storms that happened to happen at night than there were potentially literature-worthy shenanigans. So it's completely reasonable for him to be curled up in his grand library, enjoying a book on magical theory.
That sounds like a question Kanimir might be able to answer. She looks at Kanimir.
"I will be capable of teleporting to your location. If you go, and give some reasonable span of time in which to arrive there, we can then join you in the phoenix's area."
Those trees over there have a faint rainbow sheen to their bark. That one has fruits where if you pluck one, concentrate on a flavor and give it to someone else, the fruit acquires the flavor you were thinking of (it will be tasteless if you eat it yourself). Those grains in that field over there are intensely cold-resistant, just in case.
Ooh, intense cold-resistance. Yoink.
(And if she had an optionalizer she could rainbow-sheen her hair...)
It's all very pretty, but she does not wish to give off a pleasant planty musk when crushed.
Her counterfactual planty musk will go so well with her counterfactual personalized hypernutrition.
There is a weasel that will bite you if you try to attack the beehives and a beetle with a counter-camouflage shell that turns the chromatic *opposite* of whatever's behind it, and some reeds that are particularly open to tweaking such that when rustled by the wind they would seem to be whispering some programmed phrase.
These are such cleverly made things. And there are no invisible venomous snakes anywhere. This is good. This is a good place.
It wasn't that forest's fault but it did sort of make the forest less nice anyway. It is good for a location to lack invisible venomous snakes.
There is a moss that releases pleasant-smelling oils to complement your natural skin chemistry if you rub it on yourself, and another with a stunning array of vitamins and minerals, and a sort of grasslike thing that in the presence of soil toxins will draw them up its stalk and encase them in little pearl-like things and a moss under a tree designed to be a shock absorber if you fall out of the tree.
Presumably that is the intention.
And when a reasonable span of time has elapsed they teleport. There is Alcallah and multiple unicorns and a phoenix.
Riya smiles.
She sits down and attempts to put together: this piece from Alcallah which is immortality of the lifespan variety, and this piece from the phoenix which is immortality of a more aggressive kind, and this piece from Alcallah which is the doing of things to things at a distance and on purpose.
"I messed it up, I need to go away and come back and try again," she announces after a few minutes.
And tries again!
And: "Now I have the thing for healing someone and making them really immortal but I want to go away and come back and try to get the actual thing for doing things to plants too. It's neat."
More teleporting. It's a good thing he's a human magician and not a fey mage, one of those would eventually get tired and have to take a break.
Trying, trying...
"It's really hard to copy this without losing any bits," she says. "I messed it up again just now."