And since, despite the world's admitted tendency towards situations best left in the more dramatic varieties of literature, it wasn't literally a stereotypical gothic novel, Kanimir didn't expect anything in particular to happen. If nothing else, there were far more storms that happened to happen at night than there were potentially literature-worthy shenanigans. So it's completely reasonable for him to be curled up in his grand library, enjoying a book on magical theory.
"She wants something that can be voluntarily activated and deactivated, as opposed to being reliant upon outside conditions or time passing to change."
"Okay, um, we probably have something like that but I might have to think about it for a minute..."
"It's useful to have that because I might not want to make everyone I ever touch be healed and very immortal," says Riya. "Oh - I wonder if you have things that would be better than unicorns for this? Unicorns do healing when they touch someone with their horns, but if you have something that can do a thing from farther away, that might work better. And if it's from farther away then I might not need to add in the optionalness part separately because it might be already optional."
"You were going to copy my botanical talent, right? It's purely voluntary, and a doing-things-to-things kind of thing."
"Oh - that's clever," she says. "It might be harder because it's not very simple, and I'd be trying to copy your fairy immortality too... but it might still be easier than trying to put the thing together from unicorns and an optionalizer."
"It's... like itself. They have magic to make their fur shiny and to make them heal anyone they touch with their horns. But the healing isn't just in the horns, it's in the rest of the unicorn too, it just sort of goes... through the horn."
"You would just have to sit there. But if I was going to do the whole thing with being able to heal people and make them immortal from far away I would need you and a unicorn and a Greater Phoenix all together. And I might need to go away and come back a few times to refresh the reflections."
"Okay. I'll see if I can find one." She pops a lozenge that appears to be made of the magic voice honey into her mouth, sucks on it for a bit, and begins muttering under her breath. Magically speaking, she's talking to people who aren't there.
What interesting magic voice honey that is!
In the meantime, Riya tries to copy the ability to do things with plants. It's almost - no. Maybe if she - no. But at least she didn't mess up the part of the reflection that's important for combining with other things. If she puts that together with the unicorn's healing, can she get a distance-healing power that is usable at will?
She can!
If Kanimir is looking at her with seeing-magic on, he will be able to tell when she suddenly has a distance-unicornization power.
Eventually Alcallah ascertains the location of a Phoenix. Well, several, but only one that's in the same dome as them at the moment.
"The Phoenix is in that direction," she says, pointing. "...Um, you guys aren't mounted..."
"Unicorns are faster than human legs, and I'm not sure how your teleportation works so I'm not sure if you can pinpoint the spot well enough."