And since, despite the world's admitted tendency towards situations best left in the more dramatic varieties of literature, it wasn't literally a stereotypical gothic novel, Kanimir didn't expect anything in particular to happen. If nothing else, there were far more storms that happened to happen at night than there were potentially literature-worthy shenanigans. So it's completely reasonable for him to be curled up in his grand library, enjoying a book on magical theory.
"I am not planning on testing this but if you could do it to, like, everyone in the Deep South colony that would be flipping fantastic."
"I could do that if I could be near enough to them all... if you put people in front of me I can make them really immortal. And heal them of things. But you have unicorns already so you probably don't need to be unicorned very much."
"...Would you like to get on my unicorn with me and gallop around the inside of this dome immortalizing any fairy we come in range of?"
"I do not know how to do anything with a unicorn except copy their magic and I can't even do that very well."
"Humans, have, what're they called, horses, right? Have you ever ridden one of those? The principle's supposed to be the same!"
It may at this time be worth noting that Alcallah is riding bareback.
"Okay, well--" and she assists the other woman onto the unicorn's back in a way that someone who is familiar with how equines are ridden without a saddle would do.
That does seem to be how fairies.
Anyway, she can be taken around to immortalize a bunch of people now.
A palacelike structure approaches in the distance! It has a lot of fairies in it, including one that's probably Alcallah's mom from how similar some parts of their magic look.
Riya does not immediately scrutinize all of the fairies in the palacelike structure, but she does eventually notice that that one is probably Alcallah's mom. (Boop boop boop.)
And eventually all the fairies in that dome are even more immortal!
"This is the largest habitat, but there are some others--do you think your friend's teleportation would be faster than the existing portal network or vice-versa?"
"Okay then!"
She guides them to a portal, and then there are more domes full of fairies to immortalize.