The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
He presses fingers inside then, gently, carefully, exploringly, while also moving down to start a new mark a little lower.
He's already mildly overwhelmed but in a very positive direction. He makes a noise that hopefully sounds encouraging and squeezes Wei Ying's hand.
"- Done this before?"
"Once. It's usually the other way around, and--there wasn't that much time between--anyway. Yes. But only once."
Hm. He wonders what the occasion was that time.
"More or less exciting - mm. With me disheveled?"
"Hmmm. Good question. The dishevelment is definitely exciting, but that time we had just almost died because someone decided to send assassins. This is better, but that wasn't not exciting."
Wangji briefly contemplates the virtues of getting himself nearly assassinated.
No, that's very silly. No assassins near Wei Ying ever.
"Mn. Keep going."
"Mmmmmmm," he agrees, working in another finger and moving to another spot on Lan Zhan's back.
Wei Ying is really very good and Wangji wants to tell him so but he is all out of words for the moment. Instead there will just be a lot of breathing and soft noises and hand squeezes.
Eventually he withdraws his fingers and shifts upwards, hip-to-hip, and breathes another questioning noise into Lan Zhan's ear.
So he presses in slowly, carefully, gently.
"Lan Zhan, ah Lan Zhan, you always feel so good, however we do it, mmmmm..."
For a while he has no response to that because he is really only capable of feeling things. Breathing and hearing Wei Ying's perfect voice and feeling things.
Then he moans, which - isn't the most useful feedback, he really should be more articulate in case Wei Ying is concerned -
"W. Wei Ying is good," he gasps finally. "You feel good. Ah-as well. Ah -- hnnn."
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, my Lan Zhan, beautiful, perfect," Wei Ying murmurs in his ear, moving with slow but deep rolls of his hips. "Mine, my love, love you so much, so precious."
Praise and ear-murmuring and deep hip rolls are really too much to deal with all at once, so Wangji cannot respond adequately at all this time.
Instead he is limited to incoherent pleased noises. So many incoherent pleased noises.
Pleased noises are so good!!!
"Ah, my Lan Zhan, you sound so good, love the noises you make for me."
He keeps up the stream of praise until he feels orgasm starting to approach, at which time he reaches under Lan Zhan again.
That is overwhelmingly hot and Wei Ying is smart and perfect and Lan Zhan comes immediately, keening.
Wei Ying fucks him through his orgasm and then finishes himself, shuddering. He goes limp over Lan Zhan's back, pressing tiny kisses to the back of Lan Zhan's neck.
"I love you," he whispers as soon as he catches his breath, which takes a while. "So good for me."
"Always. Happier than anything."
He feels slow and syrupy everywhere. It's a very nice feeling, the pleasant, sleepy exhaustion, but he has no idea how Wei Ying manages to do this multiple times a day. Probably has something to do with Wei Ying being exceptional.
He rolls off, then gathers Lan Zhan into his arms to cuddle face-to-face. He giggles when he sees Lan Zhan's face, and brings one hand up to rub off a smudge of dirt with his thumb.
"Oops. Guess I got you all dirty again, huh?" Kiss. "You must be so tired of being filthy by now. But Jiang Cheng did buy the clean clothes, so once we get clean you can be more presentable than you've been in days."
Wei Ying's arms are pretty much the best possible place to be, even when he's not drunk.
And Wei Ying is smiling. He smiles sleepily back. "Mmm. Good. As long as you will still want me."
"Of course I'll still want you, Lan Zhan. This is a pleasant novelty, not something I want to see every day. You look the most like yourself in your pristine robes, and yourself is what I love."