The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
Wei Ying is pretty much going to be content to cuddle until they both drop off to sleep.
The next morning, Jiang Cheng is the first one to wake up, with only a mild hangover and the blessed relief of the fact that his brother did not go back to having unnecessarily loud sex after dragging a drunk Lan Wangji away. He cleans up the campsite and buries the pheasant bones and when he's done absolutely everything he can think of to prepare to leave he contemplates whether it would be worth the inevitable ire to dump a bucket of water on the other two.
Lan Wangji wakes up before he gets a chance.
Oh fuck. He remembers nothing from last night after Jiang Wanyin gave him the cup of wine, and he has no idea what he might have done - it's a good sign, at least, that he's not waking up in any physical pain?
He moves very slowly and carefully to extricate himself from Wei Ying's arms. As much as he hates losing contact with him, it's more important that he not disturb Wei Ying's sleep while he asks Jiang Wanyin what happened.
He blinks at Jiang Wanyin and hopes he doesn't look obviously mortified. "Last night, I..."
"Wei Wuxian freaked out when you passed out after only one cup of wine, then you woke up and he calmed down and you two were extremely sappy at each other and wandered off and presumably continued to be sappy quietly enough that I didn't overhear anything."
"I didn't..." No, surely Jiang Wanyin wouldn't pass up an opportunity to courteously inform him of any absurd things he might've done while drunk. So Wangji really didn't do anything.
He nods curtly. "Thank you."
Shrug. "Sorry about the wine, if I'd realized it was possible to be that much of a lightweight I probably wouldn't have, even drunk."
"It was a fine gesture."
That is enough conversation with Jiang Wanyin for the day, he thinks. He sits up, neatens his robes, and straightens himself to meditate.
Eventually Wei Wuxian stirs, realizes he is not cuddling Lan Zhan anymore, makes a disappointed noise, and opens his eyes.
He opens his eyes also. He does not say good morning, but he makes a soft I'm-glad-you're-awake face in Wei Ying's direction.
There are several possible ways to interpret that statement and none of them are good.
The only sensible reaction to this is to climb into Lan Zhan's lap and cuddle him tightly.
This was not the reaction he expected but it's highly appreciated. He wraps Wei Ying in his arms and cuddles him back.
"You must be a good influence." This is clearly a joke, despite also being something Wangji has come to sincerely believe.
"Well, I did have to drag you away from Jiang Cheng after you started biting me."
"What happened?"
Maybe if he doesn't answer Wei Ying will forget about it and move on with his day, despite that being something Wei Ying has never done in his life.
"Lan Zhan, I--
you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But I love you, and I want to know how you've been hurt. So I can do whatever I can to make it better. Even if that's just promising never to leave you like that again."
He's not sure what he was expecting but boy that wasn't it.
"I promise to never leave you like that again," he says, and adjusts his position in Lan Zhan's lap to snuggle in even closer.
Cling. Much cling. "I was the one who left you," he says softly. "I regretted... with the iron, I wanted...
I missed you. Love you."
"I missed you too. But we're--we're both right here, we don't have to miss each other anymore." His fists clench in the fabric of Lan Zhan's robe. "It's okay now. I'm here. I love you."