The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
What the fuck.
Guest students from other sects who are not actually Lan disciples are bad at following the rules. This was especially evident while Wei Ying was among their number but continues to be true now. Multiple people are assigned punitive copying after being caught gossiping about the fact that apparently Lan Wangji, or someone or something resembling Lan Wangji, apparently stabbed himself in the leg in front of Jiang Cheng that morning.
This does not concern him, although he is unimpressed. He bandages his leg and cleans his robes and moves on to focus on more important things.
The important thing for the time being is placing fireproofing charms on approximately every surface in the Cloud Recesses. It takes a very long time to get to every building, every wall, every book and piece of art, especially when trying to do this undetected.
It gives him time to consider his next moves. Ways to sabotage the Wen... ways to undercut the Jin's authority or damage their leadership without punishing Jin commoners...
Unfortunately for Wangji's plan to go undetected, his brother is very good at detecting him.
"Can I have a word?" Xichen asks, narrowly missing catching his brother applying a fireproofing charm to the underside of a roof.
Oh no.
Wangji bows, inviting Xichen either to go on or to lead him somewhere else.
"Gossiping is of course forbidden, but accidentally overhearing what others gossip about is not. Do you have any idea why someone would think you stabbed yourself in the leg this morning?"
"Yes, Brother." He bows, and then escapes.
Wangji really does not want to see the healers about it, but Brother will probably check. He goes to the healers and tells them he hurt his leg.
Days pass: uneventful, and yet very busy for Wangji. Planning, fireproofing charms, avoiding his brother, avoiding Jiang Wanyin, planning...
Wangji sleeps poorly. Nightmares. He wakes up with pain clawing his back, Wei Ying's shattered voice screaming in his ears, blistering ash coating his throat - it is always Father's ash, or Brother's. Wangji wakes with his heart pounding and his chest tight with urgency, knowing that Wei Ying is out there alive and could die at any moment, Wangji must go to him now before it's too late -
But it's fine. Less time sleeping means more time concentrating on important plans.
A letter from Gusu Lan to Qinghe Nie ends up in the hands of higher Wen authority. A traitor gave up the letter in a bid to spare his own life after insulting an unnamed Wen general, according to the note. The letter addresses credible rumors of valuable treasure, apparently hidden in a cave in Dusk Creek Mountain. Very exciting and valuable potentially magic treasure.
Wangji gives it a while to see if anything happens. He has more letters of this nature prepared in case it failed to reach Wen Ruohan.
Before any kind of relevant word comes from Qishan, Jiang Cheng receives a letter from Lotus Pier that has him VERY UPSET.
Wangji will stand nearby and wait for Jiang Wanyin to yell about whatever has him upset, as Jiang Wanyin usually does.
Apparently some time after arriving home Wei Wuxian just went MISSING. He could have run off, in theory, but that seems unlikely because he didn't take anything with him, not even his sword. Nobody has any good ideas about what happened and this is EXTREMELY CONCERNING IN FACT.
Oh no no no no how what did he change - who took him - if he's even still alive -
Wangji doesn't know how this could have happened and he has no idea how he caused it but it is definitely his fault, he is the only thing that has changed here. He needs to find Wei Ying. He doesn't know how.
He will start with seizing Jiang Wanyin by the arm and demanding more information.
"Fuck you."
He storms off.
That was not very productive, but at least he did not break Jiang Wanyin's arm or kill him on the spot which is what he felt like doing. Even though nothing is Jiang Wanyin's fault yet. It feels like his fault, his fault that Wangji has to lose Wei Ying twice - fuck, this is very bad.