The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
He leans against Wei Ying supportively.
He takes breaks from leaning to instead sit very properly and eat his pheasant, as though sat at an impressive table. It does not even occur to him to try eating pheasant while also leaning against his boyfriend.
...Why is Wei Ying laughing. Wangji is mildly concerned. He glances at Jiang Wanyin to see if he's doing anything especially embarrassing that might be responsible.
Perhaps Wei Ying can demonstrate by flopping against Lan Zhan and taking a mildly exaggerated bite of pheasant while so flopped.
How... improper of him. (But it makes Wangji feel A Way that doesn't seem to be annoyance.)
Wangji will not correct him because Wei Ying is alive and his and no etiquette is really worth touching him any less. In a week or so he can go back to reminding Wei Ying that manners exist.
"Do you like the pheasant?"
"It's fine. When I was traveling by myself I just foraged edible plants that didn't need to be cooked, to save time. This is better." He wriggles against Lan Zhan slightly as if to suggest that improved food is not the primary reason traveling not by himself is better.
Wangji sure is still in his teenage body and that sure is some wriggling.
His ears burn pink. "Quiet during meals," he manages, because it's that or knocking them both to the ground.
"Lan Zhan. We're not exactly at Cloud Recesses right now, you know." More wriggling.
"Wei Ying." Ideally this is enough to convey: please stop wriggling against me before I ruin our pheasant and fuck you in front of your brother. - a second time.
Apparently it is, because he smirks and subsides.
He doesn't stop leaning against him, though.
Wei Ying finishes his pheasant, gnawing at the bones for slivers of flesh until he's satisfied that Lan Zhan is done with his.
At which point he pulls off one of the long bones, cracks it between his back teeth, and starts sucking the marrow out very suggestively while making eye contact.
Finally. He pounces. "No etiquette," he murmurs against Wei Ying's neck, and then bites down.
"Aah! It's, it's me Lan Zhan, what did you expect?" he asks breathlessly, squirming to give Lan Zhan the best possible access to anything he may be trying to touch.
Everything. He wants to touch everything. "Recalcitrant," he whispers, and then kisses him deeply.
Wei Ying wraps his arms around Lan Zhan's neck and kisses back with just as much fervor and makes desperate little whimpering noises.
The little whimpering noises are wonderful and must continue. Wangji offers more Stern Critiques of Wei Ying's behavior as he fucks him very gently and kisses him very harshly.
"Ahh, Lan Zhan, what a strict taskmaster," Wei Ying gasps. "How could I ever live up to your expectations? You're just going to have to discipline me forever."
"Mn." It appears that discipline currently consists of: more sex. Also some wrist pinning, and light scratches down his side.
When he tries to pull out, Wei Ying makes a noise of protest and locks his legs around Lan Zhan's hips.
Not - displeased confusion. There's a definite lack of displeasure. "Wei Ying?"