The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
"Mmmmmmmmmmm<3" Wei Wuxian responds, smug and satisfied, resting his head on Lan Zhan's shoulder and fingering the purpling crescent bruises on his neck.
"--I hadn't even thought of that," he admits. "I don't know. Lan Qiren would probably have a qi deviation if you tried to bring me back to the Cloud Recesses. I don't know that you'd get along much better with Madam Yu, though."
"I never knew much about her."
It is difficult for him to picture his uncle's response, in this timeline. This Uncle doesn't yet know that Wangji is a disappointment. If all goes well, he may never find out.
"Her marriage to Uncle Jiang was never that great and...things go better for everyone when no three of her, me, Jiang Cheng and Uncle Jiang are in a room together."
"Mm." He has no objections to avoiding rooms that contain Jiang Cheng.
"In Gusu, you can have Emperor's Smile."
Oh good.
Kiss kiss.
Had Jiang Wanyin made a fire, yet. Or has he vanished completely? Either of those outcomes are acceptable.
Jiang Wanyin has made a fire, and also, when he sees them, a pained noise before slapping his hand over his eyes.
"Didn't you used to yell at Wei Wuxian for this kind of thing? Have you really changed that much?"
"Look, I don't--I don't know what happened in that fucked-up future where apparently something happened to jiejie and Wei Wuxian lost his golden core, but I haven't done anything wrong!"
It is hard to redirect his attention towards answering Wei Ying's question because he is so fucking mad at Jiang Wanyin.
"You never told me. I never -
Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu hurt you, and you never touched your sword again. Should have realized."
He does not look remotely happy about it even by Jiang Cheng standards but he throws up his arms and leaves.