The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
How nice! He bows and thanks her.
They can all take turns feeding A-Yuan the delicious cooking, spoonful by spoonful.
Awwww. Wei Ying is adorable and beautiful when he is this happy, it requires lots of kisses.
Tiny baby A-Yuan also requires lots of kisses! Hug hug kiss kiss, have some soup.
Oh no her brother and her new brother-in-law and nephew are too adorable, what do.
Besides wipe soup off the baby when A-Xian gets a little too enthusiastic. "Aren't you the tiniest little gentleman," she coos.
"So I see!" she pets his tiny soft baby head. She glances up at the two of them speculatively. "--He looks old enough to be sleeping through the night, but if you wanted more privacy, I could look after him tonight if you want."
This is an unexpected but wonderful development. He nods his head gratefully and tries not to blush.
"Mn." She really is.
...can they go now. He would really like to go have privacy now.
He kisses the top of A-Yuan's head one more time and then you know what they absolutely can.
Wei Ying throws the door shut with more force than strictly necessary and then Lan Zhan's arms are full of grinning kissing laughing Wei Ying.
"Do you know, this is going to be the first time in either timeline that we've actually done it in a bed?"
He laughs (which mostly just looks like exhaling quickly) and then tosses them both onto said bed. Wei Ying can and should be very kissed.
He knows his Lan Zhan; knows what it looks like when he laughs even if a stranger would never guess. He kisses back eagerly, head tipped back with a little sigh of bliss. Wrapping his legs around Lan Zhan's waist is probably a mistake right now because they're not naked yet and it might interfere with removing clothing but never let it be said that Wei Ying let anything silly like logic get between him and being as close to Lan Zhan as physically possible.
Being clothed (terrible) probably means that fucking Wei Ying right at this moment will not actually work, but that's not going to stop Wangji from trying. It's been so long.
Wei Ying whines and arches at the grind of Lan Zhan's hips and starts yanking at their clothes, not even bothering with the ties of the robes, just getting the fabric enough out of the way for it to work.
Great fine that is completely acceptable - and now Wangji can press against him and - hesitate, suddenly - "Do you need...?"
Well he definitely tries. He pushes forward and doesn't exactly fit, which is the worse thing to ever happen.
He curses and sucks on two of his fingers impatiently before pressing them inside, trying to work Wei Ying open as quickly as physically possible.
"It is going to work." Pokepokepoke okay there that's probably enough -
This time he successfully pushes inside.