The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
"So, what happened was that there was a young couple living out in the wilderness and the husband died while the wife was pregnant and then the wife died after the baby was born and she managed to get past the wards on Lotus Pier and walk me out to where her baby was and make me take care of it. And then when word came to Jiang Cheng at Cloud Recesses he and Lan Zhan came to look for me and they found me and Lan Zhan broke the spell the ghost had on me by kissing me," the kissing part was not part of the original story Lan Zhan had come up with and he had agreed to deliver but Oh Well, "and it was the most romantic thing that had ever happened and we got married and adopted the baby."
It really could have.
Jiang Yanli snuggles baby A-Yuan. He's just so snuggable.
"So if that's not what really happened, and you don't want to say what really happened out here, I think A-Xian's room would be a good place," she decides firmly.
"Sounds good."
He tows Lan Zhan and Shijie to his room. It's cluttered, with talismans complete and partial scattered about, Suibian leaning against the wall, and dirty laundry heaped in one corner. He pauses to pick up his sword and draw it partway out of its sheath, just marveling for a moment that yes, he has a golden core again and can use a sword.
Then he puts the sword down again and sits on the bed.
"So...this is going to sound really, really crazy."
"A-Xian, two weeks ago you hadn't noticed you had a crush on this boy and now you're saying you two are married. I think we've crossed that line already."
"That's fair. It's just--okay, I swear I'm not lying or joking or anything, but Lan Zhan and I are from the future."
"Technically two different futures, but from the same amount forward in them, and we both suddenly woke up in the past for no reason we can find at the same time, and we both set about changing the future as much as possible. Lan Zhan wrote a letter describing the location of some fake hidden treasure and arranged for it to fall into Wen hands, and where the treasure was supposed to have been located there was, instead, the Xuanwu of Slaughter. And You remember that really heterodox idea I had that I told you about, the one about harvesting resentful energy instead of dispelling it?"
"Shijie, in the future where I invented demonic cultivation using resentful energy all my other options were worse. The Wens had started attacking everyone and Lotus Pier had fallen and Wen Chao--
all my other options were much much worse."
That is entirely reasonable. He cuddles the baby. "I will not let him destroy himself," he tells Lady Jiang. "He is not allowed to."
"So we eventually beat the Wens and things got a little better for a while but then they got worse again. In my future Lan Zhan died and in his future I did. You died in both of them. But--before everything got worse again--we took in A-Yuan, so when we found out his birth parents had died again..."
"So in the future everything was horrible and we had to fix it when we came back and I left Suibian behind so people wouldn't suspect I was involved but I left on purpose and I was fine the whole time, I'm sorry for worrying you."
"I'm just glad you're okay, A-Xian. Is it--over, then? Fixing things? You're not going to have to--do anything else like what's been happening in Qishan?"
"Shouldn't have to, no. There are a few other things we'll have to keep an eye on, but even if we have to intervene it shouldn't be like that."
"Good. So...what else happens in the future? I mean, is there anything that didn't go wrong, that you don't want to change?"