The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
Pleased hum. He kisses A-Yuan and Wei Ying each on the cheek.
"You will be very happy," he tells A-Yuan, serious and gentle. "We will make sure."
"Yeah. You've got the coolest daddy and the sweetest papa ever, your childhood is gonna be so great."
They can just hang out over here cooing over their little radish and discovering joys like having your infant child grab your finger until the congee is ready.
Unbelievable amounts of joy!
He has never fed a baby congee before. Maybe if he... puts a tiny bit on this little spoon, and holds it up to A-Yuan's mouth... will he try to eat it?
Awwwwwww. Wangji makes a very soft noise. "He's so perfect. That's correct, A-Yuan, this is good food for you."
"We do. He is so skilled already, look at him eat the congee perfectly." He's getting misty-eyed about this, which is not an experience he's used to at all. (Hopefully he's not developing an eye infection?)
He's just. So so so perfect and so cute and the way he eats the congee is so cute.
"How does all this cute fit in one baby?" he marvels, kissing the top of A-Yuan's head. "Sweet baby, best baby, sorry Shijie and Jin Ling but I ended up with the best baby ever somehow."
Cuddlecuddle. "Best baby," he echoes softly. "Good job, A-Yuan. You are so good."
"Lan Zhan, how on earth did we end up with the sweetest baby ever??? We didn't even make him, if he was biologically yours it would be no surprise but this is just a coincidence."
Yes. Kisses and babycuddling. Wangji still has no idea how to do most things involved in raising an infant, but somehow he still feels very triumphant at the moment. His Wei Ying is alive and they are together with their son.
"I wish I'd gotten to spend time with Jin Ling, maybe then I'd have a better idea of what to expect."
"Yyyyyyes, but, also, I definitely want to already be married before the next time I'm within yelling distance of Madam Yu."
The distance between Nightless City and Lotus Pier is a lot shorter than the distance between Nightless City and Cloud Recesses, but between getting around to the actual elopement, acquiring baby-appropriate foods, figuring out bathroom issues, and other things, it still takes them several days to get there.
He does not mind it taking this long. Despite how glad he will be to have Lady Jiang's advice on rearing an infant, he can't complain about having more time alone with Wei Ying. More time getting to know their tiny baby, just the two of them.
Well, the two of them and Jiang Wanyin. But luckily for Jiang Wanyin, Wangji is decent at ignoring this.
He doesn't know very much about Madam Yu?
"She's...abrasive. Uh. Jiang Cheng takes after her a lot. She's never tried to kill me in any timeline as far as I know?"
"Jiang Cheng and Shijie both love her, she's their mom, but, uh, I'm not sure even they like her. I guess Madam Jin does. Not sure how someone Madam Yu gets along with and Jin Guangshan managed to produce someone Shijie could fall in love with."
"A-Yuan should not spend time around a person like that." Neither should you.
"...It's possible to spend a lot of time at Yunmeng without running afoul of her, and Shijie is definitely worth it. And she's capable of being polite, like, she isn't so much like that at anyone outside the sect that you've heard of it, and his name is Lan..."