The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
He is happy to return to sophistication.
He will kiss Wei Ying once his robes are neatly secured and his headpiece is perfectly pinned, every hair back in order.
"There you are," he says with satisfaction. More kisses. "Wow, I haven't seen you like this since--since we first met up after I killed Wen Chao. And before that--well. I really didn't know how happy I was going to be to see you looking like this again." Kisses kisses kisses.
Aw. He is so happy that he gets to make Wei Ying happy by just standing here, what a magical and unprecedented ability. Kiss kiss kiss kiss. "You used to think I was boring."
Kiss. "I was wrong, Lan Zhan, so very very wrong." Kiss kiss. "Also kind of lying? I mean I didn't not think you were boring, but I didn't think you were so boring that it wasn't fun to provoke you." Kiss kiss kiss. "Not that I was wrong about that part."
"Recalcitrant." Kiss kiss.
Can he pick Wei Ying up and kiss him at the same time? The answer is yes.
"Mine," is the word he picks. More kisses.
He starts carrying his Wei Ying back towards their camp and all the supplies that Wangji brought.
Ooh excellent.
"We should get a little closer to Nightless City before I paint these and send them off," he decides, examining them. "Just so it's less likely that someone notices them and decides to interfere. Or connects them to the purchases you made."
Sounds good. Wangji approves of plans that involve him carrying Wei Wuxian more.
Shall they hop on Bichen again? (Jiang Cheng can come too, if he really wants.)
Where else exactly would he go? Back to Cloud Recesses? To explain this to Lan Xichen? No thanks, Lan-er-gongxi can do that himself.
Wei Wuxian decides to distract Lan Zhan with kisses before he can snap at Jiang Cheng for that.
This works, For Now. (He is sure Jiang Wanyin will continue to provide reasons to snap at him. He is remarkably consistent about doing that.)
Off they go, then.
Wei Wuxian picks a good spot near-ish Nightless City, but not so close they can't keep hidden. He unpacks the mannequins, paints their eyes with blood taken from the smallest, shallowest cut possible, I promise, Lan Zhan, gives them their instructions and sends them off.
"And now we wait. And hope that worked," he says, curling up against Lan Zhan and letting the latter kiss his really completely insignificant injury.
No injury on his Wei Ying is insignificant. It will be Very Kissed and Wei Ying will be Very Cuddled.
"When will we know?"
"I think probably if Wen Ruohan dies we will be able to figure it out. They'll probably either succeed or fail by, I dunno, it'd be weird if they were still trying this time tomorrow."
He squeezes back. "If we don't get any indication that Wen Ruohan was successfully assassinated by tomorrow I can start hunting up corpses again."
After almost three hours, Nightless City starts swarming like a kicked anthill.
"...That could mean success or failure," he murmurs. "If they were caught in the attempt..."
"I was thinking if there was anyone he killed hanging around to notice and be gleeful about it."