The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
While he's speaking to one caretaker, another puts down a baby who seems to be crying for no apparent reason to go deal with one that's crying for a reason they can actually deal with.
He holds the baby close and starts singing to him softly, feeling dizzy. He walks back towards where Wei Ying should still be.
Wei Ying has successfully managed to get the baby he was handed changed and given back to someone who actually works here.
He looks up and spots Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan, holding baby A-Yuan.
His lips part. He's just going to. Stare. For a moment.
He swallows.
"C'mon. Let's go," he murmurs, even as he steps away from the door towards Lan Zhan and A-Yuan. He runs a single wondering fingertip down A-Yuan's nose.
"Hi little radish," he murmurs, petting A-Yuan some more as they make their way back through the streets of Nightless City. "I guess you're still too tiny to plant, huh? Better wait until you can hold your own head up."
He loves them both so so so much, it kind of hurts. His chest hurts. Tiny, tiny radish, so small. And Wangji gets to hold him and have him and have Wei Ying at the same time; this results in more emotions than he knows what to do with.
Maybe kissing Wei Ying is what he should do with the emotions. He does that, and he kisses A-Yuan's forehead, and then they can keep going.
Kissing Wei Ying is a great thing to do with the emotions!!! His Lan Zhan is holding their A-Yuan and this is. This is absolutely too wonderful and aaaaaah. He is going to cope with this by making A-Yuan do adorable baby giggles by making ridiculous faces at him.
That is very unhelpful for Wangji's ability to cope with this, but it is wonderful and Wangji loves him very much and so he will let it slide.
"You are a good father. I knew you would be."
Wow okay if he's just going to say things like that Wei Wuxian is going to have to extremely kiss him about it.
"--We should get married," he says when he has to break away. "We should get married right the fuck now, children should have parents who are married."
Back to kissing, immediately.
But then he says, "Marriage after we figure out how to care for the baby. I do not know how to feed him."
"Oh shit, you're right. How old is he? Does he need a wet nurse? How do you find a wet nurse. Um. Crap, he was way older than this last time."
"...People at brothels have babies sometimes? And are good at exchanging money for goods and services. And probably wouldn't ask awkward questions we can't deflect."
That feels like a really bad idea but Wangji does not have any better ones? He looks conflicted and vaguely alarmed. "People not at brothels have babies also."
"People not at brothels are more likely to be offended by random teenagers making requests involving their breasts. There's probably some non-offensive way to hire a wetnurse but I don't know what it is. Probably Madam Yu or Uncle Jiang would have any idea but we can't not feed him at all between here and Yunmeng, let alone Gusu."
"You know, I think asking random people where to find a brothel might be even more suspicious than asking random people how to hire a wetnurse. Maybe I should just go back to the orphanage and ask them."