The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
Well there are a bunch of people Wen Ruohan had thrown in dungeons to be tortured horribly who aren't quite dead yet.
Also if the Xuanwu's curse isn't satisfied with Wen Ruohan and his sons dying that could be bad?
This one couple left behind a baby and they're worried what will happen to their little A-Yuan.
In a nursery with a handful of other recent orphans, some orphaned directly by the Xuanwu, some by the curse, some by Wen Ruohan himself.
Nod nod. "A-Yuan..."
His fists are clenched, knuckles white.
Deep breath.
"You should stay here. You're too recognizable, if people see you carrying off a baby they'll have questions."
"That's fair, I would too. Okay. Um. Wear something darker and take off your forehead ribbon? It's not as foolproof a disguise as when you went for the grave mannequins but it shouldn't need to be."
"I really hate to interrupt, on account of I'm very sure you'll swear at me about it, but do either of you actually have any way of explaining where you got a baby."
"I'm not saying don't go get him or whatever, just, maybe think of something to say other than 'yes' if my parents or your uncle or whoever want to know if you kidnapped a baby."
...He is slightly too deterred by Lan Wangji's wrath to say 'please don't let my brother come up with your explanation' but he kind of can't help thinking it at the top of his lungs.
He will think loudly back that Wei Ying can do whatever the fuck he wants.
But also yeah Wangji will definitely be the one responsible for their actual explanation.
Wei Wuxian grabs a dark grey robe from the bundle of clothes Jiang Cheng bought and throws it at Lan Zhan. "Just put it on over what you've already got, I don't want to wait longer than necessary..."
He takes off down the hill on foot for the south gate where they have directions from. Nobody gives them any particular notice; people are mostly too busy with their own concerns such as all of the everything they don't know was set in motion by the pair of disaster gays from opposing horrible futures in their midst.
The orphanage the directions take them to is...crowded. There are way more kids there than the place was meant to hold; they get spotted pretty much as soon as they slip inside, but the nurse who sees them doesn't even blink, just thrusts a crying baby into Wei Wuxian's arms and demands that he change her.
Wangji goes onward, looking for A-Yuan. Looking for anyone who might know where A-Yuan is.
He never knew A-Yuan when the boy was as young as he must be now, but he is still sure that he'll recognize him.
Most of the people here don't know most of these kids' names, sorry. There's a list somewhere but it's kind of out-of-date, people keep finding new orphans and dropping them off without sufficient explanation or locating distant relatives and picking them up without making sure someone actually remembers to check the kid's name off the list.
Everyone is exhausted and overworked and seems to be assuming someone else checked him off as a legit relative or something.