The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
"All yours, yours forever, never been touched by anyone else, never want to touch anyone else, love you, Lan-er-gege, oh you touch me so good,"
Wrists can be pinned out to the side. Neck can be marked. Very marked.
"Shameless," he whispers. "My shameless Wei Ying. I will touch you forever."
He whines, high and deep in his throat, head thrown back like Lan Zhan having less than optimal access to his neck is the worst thing imaginable.
Luckily Wei Ying will not have to endure less-than-optimal neck access any longer. Wangji moans as he bites down.
He makes a noise like he's been punched in the gut and comes, every muscle in his body twitching.
"You are the actual best, Lan Zhan," he sighs happily when he's put his brain back together, cuddling back with boneless happiness.
They should probably put their clothes back on and go back to doing things at some point, but he doesn't want to. They can wait just a little longer to go back to preempting war crimes.
Wei Ying is TRANSCENDENTALLY COMFORTABLE and CUDDLING HIS LAN ZHAN and honestly going by sword is so much faster than hiking around with the dead, he's not going to be in a hurry to get up at least until tomorrow morning.
Well Wangji cannot come up with any objections to this plan.
Cuddlecuddle. Wei Ying should tell him about what it was like to live together.
"At first you said it was just for a little while, that you were going to leave the next day, but A-Yuan always gave you pleading eyes until you agreed to stay a little longer. Eventually Wen Qing called you my boyfriend to my face and I was like 'Lan Zhan doesn't feel that way about me' and she was like 'obviously he does' and I went and found you and told you to tell her she was wrong. And you conspicuously did not do that. So I kissed you."
He wants to apologize for not letting Wei Ying have that, which is of course nonsensical because this Wei Ying did have exactly what he's describing. But Wangji, himself, still didn't give it to him. He wishes he could apologize to the Wei Ying that would remember being left.
Instead he will squeeze this Wei Ying who is right here and safe and alive. This Wei Ying that Wangji hasn't failed. "I had not thought I was obvious. You never noticed."
Kiss kiss.
"Imagine if I had come back in time without knowing how you felt about me. Then where would we be?"
Yeah, it wouldn't have been good. What a sad thought. There should definitely be cuddles about it.
And there definitely will be. Many cuddles.
But his mind is stuck wandering in sad directions now.
"When I died, did my family ask for my body?"
"Well, uh...nobody...ever approached the burial mounds again except to set up guard stations outside to obliterate anything that so much as twitched outside. Something of a stalemate. After I sort of obliterated the besiegers. I don't, uh, remember what happened, exactly, I remember seeing you dead and then I remember there being a lot of blood and gore and fragments of bone and no living besiegers and none of their bodies in good enough shape to identify."