The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
The Cloud Recesses are always peaceful. One morning is much like another, before one gets up and interacts with the world.
This morning is a little bit different. But the only part of it he can perceive right now is in him, in the absence of pain.
Jiang Wanyin has set up camp already. He looks over at the two of them when they emerge, scowls, and jerks his head. "There's a stream over that way. Please don't add sleeping in that gunk to your list of crazy."
"Not enough to notice my existence instead of fucking Lan Wangji. You could have told me you were a cutsleeve, you know."
Fucking Lan Wangji is definitely a better use of Wei Ying's time than noticing Jiang Wanyin. Granted, most things are a better use of time than noticing Jiang Wanyin, but fucking Lan Wangji is an especially good alternative.
They can go to the stream over there and undress and wade into the water to clean themselves and wash their ruined clothes.
They sure are both naked again, aren't they.
They sure are!!! Wei Ying is extremely enthusiastic about this fact. Oh look there's the tackling Lan Zhan down that he was looking for earlier.
OH!! ! ! !!
This is probably not very sanitary, and - frivolous bathing activities that distract from hygiene are against the rules, and - there's a theoretical drowning hazard - but absolutely none of those things make him not want to get fucked into a riverbank by Wei Ying, so -
Moaning and clinging and splashing, a little. Please.
Frivolous bathing activities are against the rules, huh? Good thing they're not at Cloud Recesses.
Wei Ying grew up at Lotus Pier. One little stream is not going to drown him. Even if he ducks under the water to get his mouth on something there. Even if that something is really impressively big.
Okay well Wei Ying better be concentrating a lot on not drowning because Wangji has absolutely no capacity to notice if either of them is drowning -
- also he is intermittently flailing so hopefully Wei Ying is prepared to deal with that -
He comes embarrassingly fast again, but that is okay because that means it takes less time before he can pounce on Wei Ying instead and gnaw on his neck. Wangji is still too wrecked from earlier to go another round right away, but he has two hands and some opportune places for those hands to go. "Love you. Mine."
"Ah, Lan Zhan, so forceful!" Wei Ying cries, any hint of scold in the words washed away by the sheer delight in his tone. "Ah, you just can't resist letting the whole world know who I belong to."
He bites harder.
"Quiet," he murmurs against Wei Ying's neck, licking over the mark he just left. "My Wei Ying."
Well he was going to continue using this hand to pleasure Wei Ying, but fine. He covers Wei Ying's mouth and bites his ear and works harder with the remaining hand to compensate. "Shameless."
Wei Ying makes a low whimpering moan through the hand on his mouth that might be agreement or just pleasure, who knows.
What Wangji lacks in experience in this timeline, he will make up for with Determination.
Wei Ying is also in a sixteen-year-old body that was virginal until earlier today, he's really not going to last a lot longer than Lan Zhan did.
It's not justified to feel smug about this, what with them both being sixteen-year-old virgins, but Wangji does a little anyway.
He will hold on to his Wei Ying and clean him in the river like a responsible Wei Ying owner.
Wei Ying goes bonelessly limp and cooperative and nuzzles whatever part of Lan Zhan happens to be in reach at any given moment.
What a good Wei Ying. Wei Ying will be nuzzled back.
Eventually they are both clean, and their clothes are... as clean as they can be, which is not very clean. One of Wangji's hanfu layers floated away downstream while they were fucking but he doesn't particularly care; it was ruined anyway.
No one is ever going to believe any of these layers were originally white, but they're no longer caked enough to be stiff, so, you know, that's an improvement.
"Lan Zhan, carry me," Wei Ying pouts. "You fucked me too good, I don't think I can walk."
"Mmmmmmmmmmm<3" Wei Wuxian responds, smug and satisfied, resting his head on Lan Zhan's shoulder and fingering the purpling crescent bruises on his neck.