Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
Nod. It seems really unlikely that we should murder any of them, honestly. But - but I feel better inviting you to our city knowing we absolutely could.
Yes. We talked through it in a lot of detail. We figured with enough worlds and enough magic systems we can - set it right eventually - but I don't think he was counting on that.
They're all - in the Void. So in principle it ought to be possible to pull them back out of the Void but we'd want to be very sure we didn't pull the wrong ones out.
I don't know who that is because you haven't been telling me anything but if they'd like to come over here and be introduced I can fill up on mana off them and go to another plane and check from there!
It hasn't come naturally to us not explaining everything to everyone involved but Melkor found out about Velgarth, found out about our departure from Valinor, almost learned our planned arrival location and set up an ambush there, figured out where we were hiding in the caves and came there for Leareth - I couldn't afford to go 'well, I just don't know how to be as careful as he is', even though I really don't -
That would be more mollifying if Leareth himself didn't notice I existed, decide pretty promptly that he'd unilaterally offer to help me if I ran into trouble, follow through on that, and wind up telling me all his plans and cutting it out with the stuff that I objected to because my goodwill was more important!
No. I would've predicted pretty strongly that he'd think we did things right but if I am wrong about that I definitely apologize, it was my decision.
Do you want lists of casualties from the war? Or that subset of them who are old enough you might've known them?
Are any of them just in the Void also or is that just Olórin? It can wait if the latter.
That's just Olórin, everyone else is in Mandos. I'm trying to think what else, but probably we should all sit down in a day or two and catch up properly on everything. The weapon we used to kill Melkor was taken by Vanyel from Urtho's Tower, did Leareth mention Urtho?
Urtho built a lot of superweapons not used in causing the Cataclysm and Vanyel was able to access the part of his tower where they were stored. There was only one particularly suitable to taking down a Vala with no collateral damage and all of them are very dangerous so we'll probably keep being vague about how we did it in public, though Van doubts anyone other than him could get in. As far as we know Leareth didn't know about the tower or the fact it had superweapons in it, so that'll be news to yours too. Leareth was planning to make a god, we have mathematicians who study similar subjects and were inclined to ask for all his notes so we can verify that it's in fact a great idea and if it is he'll need help with a power source, his initial plan was very awful. Vanyel's Gate problem is mostly psychosomatic. Karse invades Valdemar in a couple of years in your timeline and we should get them to not do that.
Okay. Thank you.
When Huan arrives she scratches him behind the ears and explains the plan and taps him for mana and goes to the woods where Ninquë is so she can pick him up in the same trip and summons Huan to her.