Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
All right, that seems conclusive enough for now, he'll un-mind-control them and ask the Noldor to hold onto them, keeping them in decent conditions if possible, they're already on the losing side of a war. Vanyel can Truth Spell them later about troop placements outside Angband, but he can now pretty confidently tell Maitimo there aren't any traps about to spring on them, and especially that there aren't any involving Maiar who know how to cancel Velgarth magic.
(Bella is, at some future point, going to be pretty angry with him about the mind control, which might end up being very inconvenient, but he'll take it over the world where they didn't check and Sauron surprise landed on their heads tonight.)
He doesn't know anything about Bella's opinions about mind control and doesn't actually know that there was to be any mind control though if he'd thought about it he could probably have guessed, he's mostly pretty busy coordinating people sweeping through Angband looking for prisoners -
There were some other prisoners, he tells Bella, do you have advice on best practices or anything.
Uh, if they want to work with me instead of taking their chances with Mandos, I can do quick temporary fixes for nightmares - Mindhealing can make that last longer - and prevent panic attacks, that one sticks, and pinch off trauma associations but that one scales up in time expenditure with how many there are. How many -
Eighty three but twenty of them had preexisting requests to be killed, if they were ever captured and rescued.
I expect so. Nothing's stopping them, now, so I'll probably have a better count for you in a couple of days.
A comfortable private place to be with somewhere for me to sit and somewhere for the patients to sit or lie down - if they want to go to me; if they want me to go to them just put a spare chair wherever they're staying.
Okay. And would you want to live in the city we're building, or in Tol Eressëa, or elsewhere and drop in occasionally -
Ninquë made your city sound appealing and I probably shouldn't push my luck in Velgarth if I don't have to.
The city is very much still in the planning stages but we'll do our best. It'll be a bit colder than Tirion. - unless you have magic for that. Possibly we should halt all our planning stages and learn what your magic can do first.
He hasn't checked in with me since I brought him here. - oh, do you mean the other one? He's getting better. I could ask him if he'd rather be here whenever that's convenient.
Thank you. I'd - presume not but if he wishes it we'd of course be happy to have him. And if he'd like to read my mind now he can do that.
Well. As soon as it's convenient on your end. That goes for everything else you asked for, too, we don't have to be careful at this point and we're very much indebted to you personally and both Velgarths, and they have the people-dying problem, and we'd like to help out as much as we possibly can.
Valar can slow aging if you, uh, get them in a good mood, but I don't know if it sticks out of their jurisdiction, I haven't been banished long enough to have aged visibly yet.
My father thinks the Silmarils should be able to imitate the slowed rate of aging in Valinor, at least, which ought to buy us enough time to come up with something more permanent. And they can get us back the thing where food doesn't go bad, which I sorely miss.
It's convenient, though sometimes a little weird to think about the sandwich fixings I left in my house months ago just sitting there waiting for me forever when I can't ever go home.
My father would say - has said - that the Valar were the sort of parents who'd coo over a baby but lose their temper as soon as their child got mobile enough to crawl into the workshop and eat the silk. And it's a good thing we're on our feet now and can move halfway across the world and, well, murder them, if we need to.