Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
“Thank you,” local Leareth says, sort of wearily. “You can go, I know you have important work to do.”
"I'll check in tomorrow but I don't know if it still makes sense to have me in daily."
The next time she checks in with the older Vanyel in Arda, he has news for her. :I've spoken with Fëanáro. We want to ask your help with something:
:Sorry, my Fëanáro. And - we want to know if you could move me to my Haven, in the other Velgarth, wait a candlemark, and send me back to this Arda:
I currently have pulling people to my location worked out and I'm coming up on done with the patch to the one where the caster comes along but I don't have an interdimensional version of the send now. I can do it if I come along, is that okay or would you rather wait?
:Hmm. So you could pull me to your location now? And then you'd have to come along to the other Haven, and back to my Arda?:
Right. I'd need to tap some people for mana if you want it all right in a row but you don't want to go anywhere deserted, I can manage.
:That would work for us. We would want it right in a row, but there would be people in Haven to tap:
And now there's a much older Vanyel standing in her room. He's dressed like a Quendi; it suits him. His hair (unfortunately) isn't currently long enough to braid; it's also completely silver. He looks like he's been eating and sleeping well.
There is just-visible burn scarring on his wrists and the backs of his hands.
"You must be Bella," he says politely. "We're really grateful for your help."
"You're welcome - what happened to your hand - both your hands, do you want me to fix that -"
He holds up his hands and looks at them, a bit surprised, as though he'd completely forgotten about it until she mentioned it (which is true). "Oh. Um, a really big explosion, long story. You can fix that? It's been years."
"I developed the spell to put Rúmil's eyes back. It doesn't do diseases but it can do old injuries."
"I feel like that shouldn't work! But I guess your magic is really different. Do you have enough mana to do that and the teleports? I'm not in a rush for it, since it's been years."
"I can do that and the first teleport and then tap people, assuming we can expect to find people who will let me do a magic thing they've never heard of. I sometimes tap without asking since nobody around is using their mana but that's in, like, Healer's, where the thing I'm going to do with it is heal people, and with people who are aware that that's a thing I do and have said they're fine with it before, so I'd rather ask under these circumstances."
"I've been in communication with my Savil. She's expecting us and was planning to have people ready for you to tap."
"Oh cool. Okay, heal in three, two, one." There. "How are you in communication with her, does Velgarth magic do that by itself?"
"Leareth's communication spell works, with some modification - I had to duplicate all his research on it, since I didn't even get to talk to him. It's more draining but I can get short messages across. I don't know if I could do that from here, though, or if it'd take more tinkering with the spell."
"Don't really need to, and I don't want to delay too long, but - is our Leareth up for seeing people?"